Flufftober Day 11: Love Notes

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You roll over in your bed and go to slam off your alarm, only to see a piece of paper folded up on your nightstand with a heart drawn on the side facing up. You sat up in your bed and picked up the folded paper, gently unfolding each crease.  You smiled at Bucky's handwriting, the words reading;

Good morning beautiful, I hope you notice this when you wake up. I also hope that I didn't wake you when I left earlier this morning, but I went to set something up for you. Follow the clues to find more notes, once you find all of the notes, you'll have all your clues to find me. Happy finding. :)

p.s. The clues are on the back of each sheet.

You flipped over the note to find the word 'Go' written above the sentence: 'Go to the kitchen and get a cup of tea with your favourite mug.'

So you did as the note said and stumbled out of your bedroom and into the kitchen, forcing back a yawn when you saw other people there. You grabbed the kettle and filled it with water before plugging it in, taking down a teabag and your favourite mug, you mug upside down unlike usual. You turned it right side up and fished the piece of paper out of the bottom, replacing it with the teabag. 

As you waited for the kettle to boil, you unfolded the note and read it over, his writing reading:

Where's one part of the tower you hardly ever go to but always dread it when you do? Hint, Bruce and Tony are always here tinkering away at something. Don't forget to flip this over. :)

You poured up your mug and walked towards the staircase that led down to Tony and Bruce's shared lab, reading the back of the paper as you travelled down the stairs. The words 'Find the prototype box and open it for your next clue' were written under the word 'visit'. 

You shrugged and walked into the lab, quickly locating the giant Stark Industries prototype box, a single lock keeping it shut. You tucked the piece of paper in your pocket where the other one was and laid your half-empty mug down on a table nearby. You scanned the room trying to locate a key that would fit the lock, but there was none that you could find, so you grabbed a hammer and returned to the lock, beating it apart with the hammer.

Inside the box was another piece of paper, you quickly picked it up and left the lab, moving to another lounge that was just down the hall. You quickly drank the rest of your tea and went to open the note, only to be interrupted by a knock at the door. You looked up to see Tony in the doorway holding his very broken lock, "This was you, I take it?"

"Yeah, sorry about that," you replied as you scratched the back of your neck.

"Oh well, whatever. You're lucky, if it was Steve, I probably would've hung him."

You watched as Tony walked away and returned to unfolding the note, Bucky's handwriting was messier than the last two.

Treat yourself to some breakfast with a famous New York bagel from the cafe by the dining hall. Order a plain New York Style and get your next clue from the barista.

The word on the back read: 'the'.

You stuffed it into your pocket and ran towards the elevator, pressing the button for the dining hall's floor and getting off as soon as the doors opened. You ran over to the cafe's counter as the barista waved to you.

"One plain New York Style please," you order and paid her, the barista passing you your change and another folded sheet of paper. You unfolded the piece as you waited for your bagel.

Visit the training room and go to my typical station, check in the basket where I keep my spare earbuds.

The back of the page read 'front'. You thanked the barista as you walked towards the elevator to go back to the training room's floor, eating your bagel on the way up. 

You stepped through the doors and tossed the wrapper in the trash can that was sat outside the door. Once you had finished chewing your last bite, you dashed down the hall towards the room and rooted around Bucky's basket, picking up the folded paper that rested there. 

This is the last one, piece it all together and follow the final clue.

 The back side only read 'door.' 

You pulled out all of the pieces of paper and reordered them in front of you, putting each one together and reading 'Go visit the front door.'

You raced to the front door to find Happy standing there, he waved you over and greeted you, "Here, Bucky told me to show you this," he said before hitting play n a video that he was holding on the tablet.

"Hey beautiful, how was your scavenger hunt? I hope it was fun. There's one last clue for you and you'll have found me. Remember, where did we watch a movie last Saturday?"

You paused and thought, jumping and running inside once you had it figured out, "Uh, you're welcome?" Happy called as you ran away.

You rushed up to Bucky's room and opened his door, the whole room covered in fairy lights with your favourite movie queued up.

"Happy Anniversary, (Y/N)."

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now