Flufftober Day 13: Pillow Talk

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You yawned into your pillow as you laid face down on your bed, Bucky doing the same just beside you. You simply smiled at him before attempting to close your eyes, that was at least until Bucky spoke.

"I don't really believe in love at first sight," he started. You cocked your head in confusion.

"Go on?"

"But when I first saw you, I knew then and there that I was a goner."

Your cheeks tinged a light pink, another smile creeping on your face. Bucky this time returned the smile, brushing a few strands of hair out of your face.

"What was that for?" you asked as you laughed softly, your eyes watching his as he thought of an answer.

"Because I like being able to see your eyes, and you. 'Cause you're beautiful."

"Aw thanks, Bucky. And guess what?" you teased.


"I would push your hair away from your handsome face but it's too short to actually fall into your face."

He smiled as he chuckled, "You're not usually like this, how come now?"

You simply shrugged, "I'm pretty tired so that's probably why."

"Fair enough," he replied, "If you're tired, why don't you try to sleep a bit."

You shrugged again, "I want to talk to you though."

"Go sleep, I'll be here in the morning."

You rolled your eyes and turned your head away from him, it not taking long for you to doze off.

"Goodnight," Bucky yawned before he did the same.

Many hours later, you awoke to a start as you heard a crash outside your door, the sliding metal quickly opening as Thor stood in the doorway.

"Sorry about that, just moving some stuff around while I was alone."

You looked at the time as he spoke, "At 4 in the morning? Really Thor?"

He shrugged, "I figured I'd be the only one awake."

"I mean, that's fair. And hey, I was asleep until somebody woke me up."

"Rude," he grunted.

"Oh hush, now go before you wake the bear, he's easily annoyed before his morning coffee," you jokingly warned, despite your tone sounding otherwise.

Thor nodded and left the room, the door slowly sliding closed.

You laid back down in bed and looked to Bucky, all the memories of the last year and a bit coming to mind.

From the stakeout you guys did, to your first kiss with each other and every event in between.

You closed your eyes again and were asleep before you could even think of something to dream about.

Bucky's arm on your shoulder awoke you the next morning, the metal cold against your thin sleep shirt. You slowly listed your head to see him looking  at you, him also having clearly just woken up.

"Good morning," he greeted, yawning almost right away. You yawned after him.

"I was thinking about what you said last night," you started.

"Uh oh, I don't even remember what I said," he joked.

"Well I agree with the love at first sight cliché," you spoke, "But you're the one exception."

"As always."

"Oh shut up, but it's true. I've loved you since our first mission together when everyone had to be introduced to me."

"I remember everyone calling you 'new kid' for a solid two weeks after that," he reminisced.

"Please don't remind me," you cringed at the memory, annoyed at everyone for just a moment.

"Even me," he was reluctantly saying.

"Yeah, even you. Thanks for that by the way."

"My pleasure," he smirked and moved closer to you.

You simply pecked him and got up out of bed, moving towards the doorway.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he rolled over to face you.

"Coffee, duh."

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now