Flufftober Day 21: Knuckle Kiss

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You and Bucky were in the Netherlands after a mission and both decided to take some time for yourselves while there.

The two of you had decided that a walk in the park and a picnic was a good idea for the days lunch. You had grabbed your back and packed it with the food that you had made that morning. Bucky placed a bottle of your favourite drinks and the glasses that he had bought the day before.

You dragged him along to a clearing by a willow tree, placing down the blanket and sitting before pulling him down next to you.

Bucky opened the bag and laid out the food, the two of you hardly wasting any time and digging in. It wasn't long after when you had gotten up from your seat and picked a handful of the tulips that were growing.

Using the flowers, you quickly weaved yourself a flower crown, placing the plants in your hair.

Bucky slipped his phone and grabbed a picture of you while you were laughing, "You look stunning," he commented, a tinge or pink on his cheeks.

"Aw, so are you," you blushed at his complement. Bucky only laughed.

"Not as much as you."

"Oh hush," you both laughed at your reaction.

It was quiet for a while as you both sat there and watched the bees dart in and out of the flowers and you listened to the singing of the birds in the trees around you.

Bucky slowly inched closer to you, laying his hand over yours. You turned to look at him, a look of fondness glinting in his eyes.

He slowly lifted your hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss to your knuckles. You blushed.

"You look like royalty," he said, leaning in to press his lips to yours.

"In that case," you paused to kiss him, "That makes you my prince."

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now