Flufftober Day 8: Cooking Lessons

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"You expect me to learn how to do that?" Bucky was panicked as he stared at the recipe, clearly blown away by the unseemingly complicated steps for a bit of fettuccine. Bucky only groaned, picking at the piece of printer paper that you had laid down on the counter, as well as the set of measuring cups and spoons. You only laughed and pick out the sauce pop from the cupboard. Bucky watched you with amazement as your read of the sheet that he was still hogging, Okay, so what am I supposed to be doing?"

"Well, what you first want to do is bring a pot of sauce to high heat and while that's heating, take another pot with water and bring it to a boil. Your water pot is where we'll cook the pasta." Bucky nodded, watching the two pots start to steam. You placed the noodles in the water and went to stir the sauce, "Remember, always stir your sauce while you're heating it, no one likes burnt sauce. and It's even more annoying to clean the pot after."

Bucky looked at you, still overly confused, "And why is there chicken sat on the counter?"

You pulled a pan out of the cupboard and moved the sauce off the hot burner, "So once the sauce is starting to bubble a lot, take it off and put it on your warm back burner. Then put your pan on the hot burner and add a little bit of oil. Once that's heated, add your chicken to it so it crisps up," you reached into the fridge and pulled out a pack of bacon, fresh parmesan cheese, fresh garlic and fresh chives, "While your chicken's cooking, take your bacon and cut it as small as possible, then throw it in the pan with the chicken."

Bucky watched intently as you tossed a handful of back into the pan and over the chicken. You then took a spatula and stirred your pan, making the best attempt to flip the chicken and move the bacon around. You then moved back to your sauce and started stirring again.

"Stir your chicken a bit and then take the pan and put your chicken and bacon into the sauce, replacing your pan with the pot on the hot burner, stirring more often and adding more sauce." you spooned it into the pan from the jar, stirring and then letting it simmer. While it was cooking, you took another slice of bac and chopped it as finely as you could before putting it back in the hot pan. While everything was cooking, you went to the cupboard and took down two pasta bowls, laying them beside you on the counter.

"Wait, what're the chives for?"

"You'll see," you replied as you dumped the cheese into the pot and let it melt, "And once your cheese is in, strain the noodle and add them to the saucepot and stir everything together, but don't let it sit too long or you'll overcook the noodles."

You quickly moved from the noodles over to a cutting board where you had the chives and quickly minced them. You brought the board over to the bowls and split the noodles between the two, then taking your other bit of bacon and sprinkling it over the two dishes, followed by the chives.

"And, done," you announced, turning off all the burners and putting the pots and pan in the sink.

You moved from the kitchen to the small table with Bucky following close behind, "So you think you could do this sometime?"

Bucky only shook his head 'no', his mouth too full of pasta to speak.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now