Flufftober Day 26: New Hobby Together

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"Please?" your eyes flashed over his face as you held the paint brush up, "Even just try it."

"Nope, not happening," he laid the brush back down on the table, your hand quick to move to stuff it back in his.

"Five minutes, please Bucky," you looked up at him, your eyes silently begging him to at least try.

Bucky sighed and picked up the brush, dipping it in the paint and starting to fill in the outline of the design on the page.

You couldn't help my smile to yourself, knowing that you had won.

Or at least you though.

Bucky laid the brush back down on the table, the metal of the utensil clinking on the table before rolling off and other the floor, a splotch of red paint left where it had landed, "This is really dumb."

You rolled your eyes, "If you're going to complain, go away and let me be."

Bucky scoffed and walked away from your desk, closing your room door when he left.

"Hey! Get back here!" you called, your words falling on deaf ears. You groaned and laid down your brush, moving from your seat to get cleaner to take the paint off the floor, only to step in it when standing up.

"Bucky!" there was no movement coming from your shared wall. You yanked your sock off and tossed it into the hamper by your bed before continuing to the closet for cleaners.

Once you finished cleaning his mess, you quickly finished what you had allotted for today and cleaned up your paints. You left the canvas where it was to dry.

You spent the rest of the evening alone, watching some of your show and then tossing and turning in your bed. With a final huff, you pried yourself from your bed and went over to his room, light shining from underneath his door.

You quietly and slowly opened the door to find him sat at his desk, paint brush in hand as he slowly worked on the picture on the canvas.

You could only smile, quietly shutting the door and going back to your room to sleep.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now