Flufftober Day 12: Sleepy Kisses

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You fell onto your bed, sprawling out over the comforter and picking up your phone because scrolling through your Instagram. You laid there watching people stories and thumbing through the posts that were on your home page before moving to the explore page and one meme and travelling towards the bottom.

You spent hours just rolling around in boredom, whether it was reading a book, scrolling through your phone or watching something. Just as you yawned, you checked the time, the clock reading five hours since you first went into your room. "Ah, shit," you grumbled, plugging your phone in properly getting in bed.

You had felt exhausted when you put your phone down, but after rolling and twisting in bed for well over an hour, any drowsiness was long gone. You murmured quietly to yourself and sat up in your bed, flicking on your lamp as you did so.

Just as you were aware of your senses, you heard a soft knock on your door, it slowly pushing open as Bucky walked in with a movie playing quietly on his laptop.

"Hey, what are you still doing up?" he asked, looking at you from the doorway.

You simply shrugged, "Couldn't sleep," you stifled a yawn as you spoke. You looked from your bed to him and back again, "You do know I could ask you the same thing, right?"

He nodded, "I hate to inform you but the answer would be the same."

You moved to the other side of your bed and patted where you once laid, motioning for him to join you, "So what's the plan?"

"Movie and then sleep?" he suggested, moving in closer to you and setting up his computer.

"Sounds good," you yawned, laying down beside him and leaning closer. You tried to blink the sleep out of your eyes, your attention transferring to the movie as it's quiet audio echoed in your silent room.

Bucky yawned and shifted his upper body to face you, his lips slowly joining yours. You both moved together, all to lost in the moment to even pay attention to the movie on his laptop.

You wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him closer as you felt his arm on the small of your back, his arm pulling you closer to him as he kicked his computer over, his mind more focused on you.

You felt him smile against your lips when your interwove your fingers through his hair, the best on your face growing with each part of air.

You parted from Bucky and laid down on your pillow, your breathing staggered as you gently caressed his cheek with your thumb. He leaned his head into your hand before turning to kiss your palm.

You both smiled again before he laid down beside you, his arm still around you and keeping you close to him. You kept your arms around his neck as you continued to lazily pepper kisses all over his face, from his lips to his cheeks to his nose. Your lips touched every bit of his face that you could reach.

Bucky only smiled and returned the motion, his lips catching your every now and again, the pair of you sharing a gentle, sleepy moment before continuing with covering each other.

Just as your eyes started to grow heavy, you felt his lips on yours again, the simple action lulling you to sleep. Just before your mind blanked, you could remember moving your lips to up turn them into a smile as Bucky quietly whispered in your ear, the words staying with you until the morning.

"I love you."

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now