Flufftober Day 16: Falling Asleep Together

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You and Bucky had been so busy with different missions and different shifts lately that you hardly had any time to see each other.

And at the moment, Bucky had been sent over to a secret base in Eastern Russia and you had to stay back in New York, even after pleaded to S.H.I.E.L.D. to go.

The only thing that had been saving the two of you, was the time difference, and the fact that the insane time difference and working opposite shifts meant you were awake and asleep at the time time.

So tonight, like every other, you were sat up in your bed with your lamp on, your earbuds plugged into your phone and talking to him.

"When do you come home? I miss you."

"Hopefully in two weeks, and I know. I miss you, too," his voice in your speakers was slightly muffled, and glitchy as the video was constantly glitching out.

You stifled a yawn as the audio came back, "Shitty service?" you asked, already knowing the answer.

Bucky only nodded, "Shitty service but decent wifi."

"Must be the distance then, or, oh I don't have wifi."

Bucky laughed, his voice distorted over the phone, "You would think that Tony could figure out how to have decent wifi."

"Or everyone else is on their phones, I think Natasha's night shift just started so she's probably talking to Clint."

"Isn't he married?"

"I think so," you only shrugged, not wanting to think too much into it.

"So how's everyone else been without me around?" Bucky smiled on his end, a poor connection message was received on yours.

"It's pretty normal, Steve and Sam are a little glum but don't tell them that I said I miss you more than they ever could."

"Well, maybe Steve might, considering."

"Eh, fair," you yawned again, laying down your phone to stretch before laying down in bed, plugging in your phone once you were comfortable.

You heard a click on Bucky's end and the light switched off. You mimicked and turned out your light.

"We should sleep," he suggested.

"I was just about to say the same."

"Do you want to stay on call tonight? I can always hang up if someone wakes me up before morning."

"Sure," you agreed, knowing that he wasn't opposed to having to block out the sound from the tower.

You laid your phone down, propping it up against your lamp before laying your head on your pillow.

Bucky did the same and covered a yawn the best he could.

You reached behind you and grabbed the stuffed teddy of himself that he had won you and held it tight in your arms.

"You're cute when you're tired," you blushed at his words, more embarrassed at your reaction to his words.

"Oh hush, you're always cute."

"Bedtime," Bucky started, a sleepy snicker coming through your speaker, "'Cause you're clearly exhausted and loopy if you're complementing me back."

"Lies," your tried to say but your yawn said otherwise.

"Go get some sleep, if I'm not here when you wake up, I'm only a message away."

"Thanks, you too Bucky. Always."

"Goodnight beautiful."


You were both silent afterwards. The quiet of the room and Bucky's soft snoring quickly lulled you to sleep.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now