Flufftober Day 20: Secret Crush

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It was your first day on the job, you palms sweaty and shaky as you walked into the building where the rest of The Avengers were situated. Tony walked into the room with you and down the hall, showing you where your room was. He had also told you that you had a week of no missions to get situated in the tower.

"Wait, so who's in the rooms next to me?" you questioned, a general look of anxiety plastered on your face.

"Don't stress it, Bucky's to your right and Natasha's to you left. Don't worry, they're both all bark and no bite."

"Great, just what I love to hear," you grumbled which caused Tony to laugh as you walked into your room and saw all of your boxes around the room, a bare mattress sat against the wall, bare windows letting the light shine in and barren white walls.

You glanced around before walking over to your room and starting to unpack, making your bed in the process. By the time you had finished, you had ended up skipping lunch and working through the whole day, You curtains hung, your wardrobe filled and your dresser packed. The walls of your room had photos of your friends and family, as well as band and movie posters, leaving very little of the walls to be seen.

Walking out into the lounge, you see that the team had planned a small party for you, cake and a banner in the room. Your eyes scanned their faces, only one truly sticking out to you. They all greeted you as you walked by them towards the cake.

"You guys didn't have to do this, y'know," you looked away from the rest of them; just slightly embarrassed.

"It was all Bucky's plan in the first place," Tony said, stabbing his thumb in the man's general direction. He smiled.

Your cheeks flushed as you picked up your piece of cake and sat down with the rest of them, everyone talking with and over each other.

You had only stayed in the common area for an hour or so until you had escaped to your room. The burning in your cheeks had become unbearable as you rushed to your personal ensuite and splashed cold water over your face.

No matter what you did, thoughts of Bucky's lips on your and his hand around your waist filled your head.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a knock on your door. You head shot up from its downwards position to stare at your soaked face in the mirror, the red in your cheeks having finally subdued.

"Just a moment!" you called, frying off your face and straightening your attire before opening your door.

"O-Oh! Hey, what's up, Bucky?" you questioned, hoping that your stutter could be played off as surprise.

"Oh I just wanted to truly welcome you. The party was my idea but they all went a little overboard."

You scratched the back of your head, "Oh, no, no, that's ok, it wasn't overboard at all."

"Oh, on that note then. I'm glad," he smiled, turning to walk away, "If you need anything just come knock on my door," he called.

"Night," you called back, only to hear no response from him. You crawled into your bed with him on your mind.

Some time had passed once you had moved in, and you had slowly become accustomed to everyone different quirks. Bucky was still constantly on your mind and you really hoped that he hadn't found out about your little crush, but the constant flushing of your cheeks in his presence didn't help much.

That night when you went to go to bed, you heard a knock on your door, and you opened it expecting it to be Natasha again. But Bucky was stood in your doorway.

Before you could think, Bucky had walked you into your room, his lips on yours and his hands on your waist. He pulled away not much long after, his breath a little ragged.

"I should've said something, sorry," you turned to walk away from you.

"I liked it," you blurted, your voice causing him to stop in his tracks, "I'm sorry, I should've said something but I've liked you since the day I've met you."

Bucky turned back to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing his lips to yours again. He pulled away and whispered, "I've liked you too."

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now