Flufftober Day 7: Meddling Friends

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You finally had a day off, after working for what felt like two months straight, even though it was only a couple of months. That being said, everyone had a day off, so the tower felt a little cramped at times, especially during breakfast that morning. But now that it was later, almost everyone had gone down to train. Which left you and Bucky alone on the couch to watch a movie.

Bucky draped an arm over your shoulder and you kicked your legs up over his. you leaned your head on his shoulder, picking at the bowl of popcorn in your lap. You flicked through the many movies that the team had recorded, "We could watch this one," you offered while letting the cursor hover over the title.

"Sure," he replied, so you pressed play and let it roll. It didn't take long for the pair of you to empty the bowl, and once you were about halfway through the movie, you could hear a commotion in the stairwell that led from the common room to the training room. Bucky grabbed the remote and turned the volume on the tv up, in a failing attempt to drown out the rest of the team.

You watched the doorway to see everyone walk in as pairs. Steve and Tony talking about the possibility of future missions, Natasha and Clint were huddled together to avoid hearing any of the jokes that Thor and Scott were roaring over as they were dangerously close to the two in front.

Once everyone was in through the doorway, they all went their separate ways; Steve, Scott and Thor heading to the kitchen while Clint walked towards his room and Natasha towards the showers. Tony only grabbed two water bottles from the fridge and headed in the direction of the lab.

Sam, Bruce, Wanda and Vision all made their way out of the hallway where their rooms were, quietly chatting with each other. Wanda branched from the group and headed into the kitchen's pantry, "Here, let me make breakfast."

Bruce was the next to part as he headed down towards the lab. Sam left and walked over to Steve, the two of them chatting as they walked over to the lounge.

"Is it safe to sit on the couch or does it need to be deep cleaned?" Sam chuckled, which caused Steve to laugh as he tried to finish his sentence. Bucky only glared at the two of them.

"Wow, if looks could kill. But seriously, is it safe to sit here?"

Bucky never answered, too busy ignoring his friends by staring at the screen, "Yes Sam, it's fine," you replied for him.

"Wow Sam, get your head out of the gutter," Steve hollered with laughter at the unamused look on his face.

"Shut up, you started it."

Steve and Sam stopped bickering after about five minutes of going back and forth, their attention is drawn to the screen at the exact moment a girl shows up. Bucky only sighed at their reaction and quickly pressed his lips to yours while they were distracted.

The moment Sam 'oohed' you knew that they weren't as distracted as you hoped and that the kiss was longer than just a simple peck. Bucky shifted under your legs and moved them off of him, passing the remote back to you before getting up and walking away without a word.

"Great, thanks you two," you grumbled, a scowl on your face as you righted yourself on the couch and stared at the screen.

"You say that, yet you aren't moving," Steve commented, his words only adding to the building annoyance.

"Steve, don't try it," Sam warned.

"Too late, enjoy your rom-com boys."

You stood from the couch and tossed the remote in Steve's general direction, not caring whether it hit him or the floor. Leaving them, you walked down the hall towards your room when you noticed that Bucky's was slightly ajar. You pushed it the rest of the way open and walked inside, only to see Bucky spinning around in his desk chair with a broken pen in his hand.

"You good?"

"I'm fine, can I punch them next time?" he asked, the spinning of the chair slowing after he spoke.

"Sure? I'm not stopping you, no one is."

He only shrugged and stood up once the chair stopped and moving to your side, "C'mon, I'd like to kiss you but not while those idiots are still around."

You heard him chuckled at something, probably the idea of punching his friends, "How about we go for a walk, have some time to ourselves?"

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now