Flufftober Day 14: Slow Dancing

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"There goes the sergeant," a girl next to you whispered, her finger semi-hidden as she pointed in his general direction as he walked past the group of girls standing to you left, many of them leaning against a table that was there once he was past.

You rolled your eyes at their reactions, annoyed with how everyone acted around him, as if he was Mr Perfect not Mr I Kill People For My Country. Not that it was a bad thing, you just thought all their reactions were over the top.  

The girl besides you quickly tapped your shoulder, "You should go talk to him, he keeps looking at you when he walks by," she squealed.

"I'm not too sure about that," you had your doubts, but what she didn't know was that you were already dating the sergeant.

He walked by again just as sonys if started to fill the small area, many tables and chairs being pushed closer to the edges of the room. Many of the girls tried to get him to dance with him by running up to him, but he only shook them off. You heard a quiet, "Go dance with Steve," come from him.

You smiled as he walked over and took your hand, leading you out onto the makeshift dance floor.

"Hello James, what pleasure do I own you for being your pick?"

"Nothing, simply my treat," he leaned in closer to your ear, "And why so formal?"

"Everyone's watching us and none of your fans know that we're together," you whispered back, giving him a quiet peck on the cheek.

Bucky pulled back from you to look at you, his hands resting on your hip and shoulder as you both started to sway to the beat of the music.

The whole time the two of you moved together, Bucky was whispering sweet nothings into your ear, each word making you blush more and more.

He dipped and swayed with you to the music, occasionally letting you twirl under his arm.

When ever you would rot dare enough to see the other women in the bar, you could see their envious faces as they glared at you.

You flashed them all a fake smile before leaning closer to Bucky, your hand resting on his back and shoulder. Bucky adjusted to move his hand to your waist, quickly kissing you before continuing to dance.

You watched their faces turn to ones that flared and judged every bit of you, "Damn, if looks could kill."

Bucky laughed as he noticed them as you both rotated again. His hand on your back only pushed you closer to him in response.

You sighed happily, resting your head on his shoulder, "Do you ever actually noticed the women?"

He shrugged, "I mean yes, but they're nothing special. Too much flesh out to draw attention. All they are is whores for a man they can't have."

"Fair, I guess."

Bucky smiled before connecting his lips with yours, moving them in time to the music as the song ended, "Besides, you have me."

At least that's what you were thinking as you and Bucky danced around the kitchen in the dark, trying desperately not to hit the corners of the island or knock anything over. You smiled and leaned into him, closing your eyes and just enjoying the moment.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now