Flufftober Day 5: Watching The Sunrise

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Night shifts were the bane of everyone's existence; especially being exhausted and then attempting to sleep while everyone else was awake and being loud throughout the tower. Which was your current situation. You checked your watch again, the face reading 3:04 AM, an audible groan filling the room.

"What?" Clint asked, looking up from the floor to face you.

"An hour and a half left," you answered, "And then no sleep all day and back to it again tonight."

"I mean, at least we can then move from here," he shrugged.

"What are we on watch for anyway?" you questioned, picking at the skin around your nails once you stopped speaking.

"No idea, I heard rumours that it was one of the infinity stones. Then again, it's probably just some old shield case files."

"Oh probably, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just case files anyway. That seems like something S.H.I.E.L.D. would want two Avengers to guard all night long instead of two of their own."

"I still hate sacrificing my sleep when Vision could just do it," Clint sighed, ending any possibilities for the conversation to continue.

You only sighed and put your earbuds in, picking a playlist in a desperate attempt to fill the silence.

It wasn't much later when you heard a clinking down the hall and watched as Clint rose from his seat on the floor. You pulled your earbuds out and tucked them in your pocket, moving from your spot of leaning against the wall.

"Clint, can you see anything?" you whispered, glancing from him to back down the hall.

"No visuals, stay on guard," you only rolled your eyes, remembering that he truly was as a soldier, only buried deep down.

The sound of footsteps and the soft clanging metal echoed off the walls of the windowless hall. You slowly reached towards your back, your hand slowly wrapping itself around the grip of the combat pistol Natasha lent you. You heard Clint pull an arrow from the pack on his back, loading his bow but keeping it pointed at the ground.

Your pulse rang out through your ears, the rhythmic beating almost drowning out the steady footsteps as they approached you. Your other hand quickly reached down your hip to grasp the close combat knife as the first leg came into view.

"Relax you two," it was only Fury, "We've kept these files secure for over a week now, and if some otherworldly being was going to take them it would've been before now, or at least that's what everyone else has said."

You shrugged and rearranged yourself, looking over to see Clint doing the same; the lone arrow being placed back with the rest.

"What are you standing around for? You're dismissed. Go get some sleep," Fury spoke as he turned to walk back down the hall.

You relaxed your muscles and stood up straight, "Good night Clint."

Walking down the hall, you weaved yourself through the maze of halls until you finally reached your room and pushed open the door.

You sluggishly changed from your uniform and into one of Bucky's sweaters, that you had stolen from his closet, before slipping under the sheets of your bed.

Just as you closed your eyes, you felt an arm draping over you and pulling you closer to its owner. You opened one eye to see Bucky's half-awake face, "You're back early."

You only mumbled against his lips, both of you being too tired to put any effort into focusing on a kiss, only focusing on staying tired enough to sleep.

You opened your eyes enough to make out the reddening sky around your curtains, "Sunrise," you murmured, before rolling back over and hiding your face in his chest.

Bucky chuckled softly and wrapped his arm back around you and gently kissing the top of your head before falling back to sleep, his steady breathing putting you to sleep.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now