Flufftober Day 24: Caught In The Rain

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Your lips connected with the lip of your mug, your cup of hot chocolate was warm against the thin and sensitive skin of your lips. You swallowed your drink and smiled across the table as Bucky chewed the doughnut that he had ordered.

"Why are you smiling? All I'm doing is eating."

"But you're adorable," he blushed at your response, "Which makes everything you do adorable."

"Oh whatever, once you're done let's go back. We have to walk a couple blocks back to the tower anyway."

"Yeah, ok." you quickly finished your drink and set the mug back down. Bucky was already standing with his vest on by the time you had stood up. You picked up your jacket off the chair and put it on over your shoulders.

"Let's go, we can watch a movie or something once we get back," he suggested, the pair of you walking out of the small cafe together. Bucky laced his fingers through yours as you walked down the path, orange leaves from the trees nearby floating through the dark sky when the wind blew.

You looked ahead down the road and saw sheets of rain falling from the sky. "Fuck's sake," you heard Bucky mumble, his pace quickening as he pulled you along.

You ran to keep up with him, The rain cold on your face as it hit you. You frantically swept your wet hair away from your eyes, hoping to gain some form of vision back.

Bucky slowed and stopped under the branch of a tree, waiting for you before walking forward again.

"How much further?" you asked, glancing along the gloomy skyline for a chance of seeing the Avengers' tower.

"Shouldn't be much more, let's get a bath to warm up once we get back."

You quickly pressed your lips to his before running down the sidewalk again, "I agree."

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now