Flufftober Day 3: Lazy Sundays

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Sunday was always your typical on-call shift, which meant lazing around the tower, laying in bed all day or binging tv. and you were usually alone.

But not today.

Today Bucky was also on-call, S.H.I.E.L.D. had claimed it as some new protocol where at least two Avengers had to be in the tower at all times, or at least reachable.

So there you sat, watching your favourite movie with your feet kicked up on the coffee table and Bucky by your side.

"We would do something," Bucky was the first to break the comfortable silence.

"It's not like we can leave."

"We did at that stakeout."

You rolled your eyes, "And got our asses handed to us with a lecture from Natasha and Clint once we got back."

"Oh shush, it was worth it though."

You sighed, "Well, what could we do? I didn't plan on moving from this exact spot to do anything other than eat."

He paused, "I didn't say you had to move."

Even without looking at him, you knew the size of the smirk written across his face. You only scoffed, "Not happening."

"Ok well then, why don't we watch a movie or something interesting. Or something I'd like to watch, considering we've already watched at least a season of this."

You sighed and passed him the remote, "Take your pick, all we've got is this or cable."

For the next ten minutes, Bucky scrolled through the streamer's library and scrolled through the cable guide, only then coming to the conclusion that there was nothing to watch. You looked over from the kitchenette to see his arms flailing as he groaned, the remote landing on the other side of the couch.

"It's almost seven, we could just order in food, get some snacks and settle in for the night and watch some stupid rom-com," you suggested, looking up from the pack of coupons that had come in the mail earlier the week.

"So no more of your show, promise?"

You rolled your eyes, "I promise."

"Great, who does delivery?" you shrugged and motioned for him to come over, fingering through the bundle of pages.

"We could do sushi," you started.

"Makes me sick," he retorted.

"Or Thai."

Not really in the mood for the American excuse of Thai by throwing a pound of sesame seeds on everything."


"I eat Chinese once a year, on New Years, and last I checked it's October."


"Too heavy, it'll be after seven when we eat."

You sighed, laying down the last of the pages. You felt the air shift as Bucky moved from beside you, "There's always pizza," he suggested as he moved back to beside you, handing the coupon to you.

"Pizza sounds good, just nothing crazy, so just cheese."

"Funny," Bucky started, "You know I like plain cheese as much as the next."

"Pizza it is then. Call in a large though, I haven't eaten since breakfast. I'll go let security know and tell them to send the delivery up." Bucky only nodded, the phone already up to his ear as you made your way back to the couch to find a movie to watch.

"Do you want to start with The Kissing Booth?"

"How about we start with Isn't It Romantic and then watch all three of The Kissing Booths?" Bucky spoke as he walked back in from the kitchenette, laying his phone down on the coffee table before sitting down and slinging his arm around your shoulder.

You pressed play on the remote and just as you had curled up closer to Bucky and gotten comfortable, there was a knock on the door and a shout of "Delivery!" from behind it.

"I'll get it," you said as you went to move, only for Bucky to lay a strong hand in your lap and keep you seated.

"You stay here, I'll get it."

Bucky was up and moving before you could get a word in edgewise, the door opening and closing in what felt like seconds. You had managed to move into a more upright position when he had returned with the box and a two-litre of pop.

"Here, let me get glasses," you offered, only for him to shut you down again.

"I've kissed you more times than I can count, do you think I care about sharing a bottle with you?"

It was rhetorical, you knew it was when the box was opened and neither of you said anything until Bucky looked up to the screen and commented, "Gof, vats do dumn."

It was all you could do to swallow what was in your mouth before bursting out laughing, "Your mouth is full, I have no idea what you just said."

Bucky swallowed and drank a mouthful of the soda before he answered, "I said, God, that's so dumb."

"Wait, what happened, I think I missed it."

"It's a rom-com, trust me, you didn't miss anything. All that happened was he walked out of her bathroom half-naked to find her still in bed. Cause of course Mr. Perfect will just walk out of your shower to see you in bed."

"You're one to talk," you paused to scoff, "Mr. Perfect."

The pair of you laughed a bit before returning to eating and watching the movie. And like a pair of kids, every time something slightly romantic would happen, you would both turn and pretend to gag before bursting out laughing.

After you had stopped laughing towards the end of the movie, you both had turned back to face each other, your eyes lingering on one another's for a moment longer than you had each time before.

Bucky slowly rotated his body and rested his hand on your cheek and slowly connecting his lips to yours. Your eyes fluttered shut before you felt his hand support your lower back and lean you down to rest on the couch.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you, smiling against his lips before he pulled his body away from yours.

"We can go watch movies in my bedroom if you'd like," you offered, your voice wavering as you slowly attempted to catch your breath.

Bucky moved and picked you up off the couch, "We're going to my room, just put the shield you gave me up."

You snickered softly, "And I have the bear that you gave me up by my pillow."

He only smiled before you felt his lips on yours again as he carried you down the hall to his bedroom, muffled laughter and the sound of the tv echoed from behind the closed door.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now