Flufftober Day 25: Cuddling and Snuggling

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You pulled your pillow down from the head of your bed, closer to where you were laid. Bucky's arm was draped over your waist and keeping you close to him. Bucky's head was tucked into your neck, his hair tickling your ear every time he would shift or breathe.

You rolled over into him, laying your hand on his chest and pressing your lips to his. Bucky quickly kissed you back and pulled your head even closer to him.

You pulled away to take a breath, his cheeks pink in your dim room, "We should get up," you said, going to roll over, your efforts stopped by his arm pulling you back against his body.

"Bucky," you looked back to him, his face once again buried in your neck, "Please, we need to eat something before it ends up being supper time."

He grunted, clearly having no intention of moving. You wiggles in his arms and moved out from them, Bucky's hand still holding yours despite that you were standing.

"Just a little bit more please?" he mumbled into the pillow. You smiled softly and crawled back into bed beside him, retaking your position underneath his arm.

He pressed his lips to your cheek, leaving just as soon as he made contact. You rolled and cuddled up against his chest, resting your eyes as you listened to his soothing heartbeat and quiet breathing.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now