Flufftober Day 30: Movie Night Cuddles

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"What do you want to do tonight?" you heard Bucky call from down the hall.

"A movie maybe?" you replied, your voice travelling well in the small safe house that S.H.E.I.L.D. had stuck the two of you in after having been supposedly spotted during a mission in L.A.

"Ohio? Really? Why can't we just go to the safe house in Upstate again?" you griped, Tony only sighed and shook his head.

"Fury said to send you to the safe house no one thinks to check out."

You shook the memory out of your head as you flipped through the DVDs that were in a box under the tv cabinet. "All that's there are Mission Impossible's and some racing movies."

"What racing movies?" Bucky asked, now standing in the doorway of the living room.

You picked up one of the cases, "Fast and Furious," you replied, holding it up so he could see it.

He shrugged, "Let's watch that."

You nodded and took opened the case, only to find the disc missing, "One problem."

Bucky walked back up the hall and stood in the doorway again, bracing himself on the frame, "Hm?"

"It's missing," you turned around the case and showed him the empty compartment, "The first couple of seasons of The Walking Dead is here."

"Sure, get it ready. I'll go get some popcorn."

You nodded and watched him walk out and back down the hall. You took the disc out of the case and put it into the player, the option's menu popping up on the tv. You finished setting it up and his pause on the opening scene of the first episode.

Bucky walked back into the room with a bowl of popcorn and a blanket, making his way to the couch and sitting down. You let him situate himself before joining him on the couch.

Bucky laid the blanket over your lap and placed the popcorn between you.

You pressed a tiny kiss to his cheek and the two of you focused on the show's starting credits.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now