Flufftober Day 9: Text Messages

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It was just before midnight when you settled yourself in for the night, Collecting the blankets around your waist and pressing the space bar on your laptop, the sound of the movie collecting in your ears. You sighed, hating the feeling of being alone, even though you had volunteered to do a three-day solo isolation for S.H.I.E.L.D.'s research. You were just glad you still had access to some form of limited internet access. You picked at your bowl of popcorn while the opening credits were rolling before picking up your phone and scrolling through the apps you had pre-downloaded. 

When S.H.I.E.L.D. said that there was limited access, you had expected something like shitty service and shitty wifi, but they weren't kidding. The tiny studio apartment had no windows, very few outlets and absolutely no wifi and one bar of service, that was only usable in the bedroom excuse of a closet with a door. 

You looked away from your movie and picked up your phone, opening your message and pulling up Bucky's chat. You typed out a quick 'I miss you' and went to put your phone down and expected him to take a while to reply. But even before you could flip your phone over, it had buzzed with his reply. 'I miss you too, beautiful.' you read the words and smiled, a second message popping up on your screen moments later, 'Only two more nights, right?'

'Unless S.H.I.E.L.D. decides to extend it, which wouldn't surprise me' you replied, setting your phone down beside you, face up. A moment later, you watched the screen light up, his name popping up. 'lol' he messaged, so you left your phone alone, and refocused on the movie. Your phone buzzed again but it was only an email notification. 

It was about half an hour later when you hear your phone buzz again, but it was just your service provider saying you had been using data for a while and that you should check your wifi, you only rolled your eyes and swiped it away. 

Just as your movie finished, your phone started ringing, your screen lighting up with a FaceTime from Bucky. You quickly put in your earbud and answered,  closing the laptop as you did so.

"Wait, you're still awake?" you nodded a little, smiling at your screen to see him smile back.

"How's your night been?" you asked, just as the poor connection symbol popped up, but you ignored it as it was half expected.

"Lonely," he said and looked around, "Definitely wishing you were here right now."

"Yeah, me too. Maybe watching my favourite movie wouldn't be as horrible if I was watching it with you and now alone in some dingy apartment."

Bucky only laughed, "That sucks shit then."

"Tell me about it, you know this place doesn't even have wifi? Not to mention the shitty service."

"Yikes, I guess you're missing the fancy Stark tech that you constantly complain about?"

You rolled your eyes and laughed, "Of course I am, I'm even missing the giant window in my room that the curtains don't cover."

"Wait really?"

"Yes, there's literally no windows here."

"Ugh, that's the worst."

You shrugged, "Could be worse."

"How so? There's no wifi, I'm assuming shitty service and no windows. You sound like your in jail."

"Feels that way at times, but at least I'm alone."


"Bucky don't," he chuckled, clearly knowing that you were teasing, despite the serious look written on your face.

"Aw, is someone scared of a little ghost?"

"Seriously, I'm an Avenger. I'm not allowed to be scared of a ghost. France's catacombs proved that one."

"That's true, I guess."

"Oh stop, I guess I should head to bed though."

"Yeah, sleep's important."

You turned out your light, "Good night, Bucky."

"Good night, (Y/N)"

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now