Flufftober Day 10: Pillow Fight

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You were lazing around your room, only watching a movie on your laptop, the sound echoing around your empty room. You quickly slipped into your pyjamas before sitting down on your bed and pulling the covers over your legs, resting the laptop on them. Just as you put your earbuds in, you heard a knock on your door. You popped up and went to answer if, being tackled to the floor moments later by Bucky.

"Ah! Bucky," you laughed as his fingers traced up and down your sides, tickling every inch of you. You writhed underneath him and kept laughing. Bucky chuckled and quickly kissed your forehead before getting up and then helping you.

The pair of you tumbled on your bed and curled up together under the blanket that you had over you earlier. You pressed play on the movie again and cuddled into him. His hand rested around you while he rested his head on you and closed his eyes, letting the sound of the movie fill his ears.

You sighed contently and rested into him, closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep. You awoke once the movie had ended to Bucky snoring in your ear. You closed your laptop and got an idea, grabbing ahold of one of the pillows that were beside you. A whack echoed through the broom as the pillow collided with Bucky's head.

Bucky jumped up in surprise, his eyes narrowing in on you and grabbing another pillow and walloping it at you, the impact knocking you back onto your bed. You yelped in surprise.

"Hey, that's not far!" Bucky only laughed at you as you pouted, "You're a lot stronger than me!"

"Damn right I am."


He slapped you with the pillow again, making your brain go blank again.

"See, I told you."

You huffed and walked out of your room, going into his room and picking up his pillow before leaving. Just as you walked into the room, Bucky slammed a pillow over your head, the feathers and fluff from inside it billowed around you. You stood there in shock as Bucky rolling onto your bed laughing.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now