Flufftober Day 18: Costumes

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"Wait, why costumes?"

"Because we need to go shopping for Halloween costumes."

"Why can't we just wear our uniforms?" Bucky asked, looking around the costume store, pushing aside many different types of peculiar costumes.

"Because it's not much of a costume if we where it everyday, duh." you watched him shrug as he continued to leaf through the clothes. You grumbled to yourself, constantly coming across costumes of Black Widow or Iron Man but none of anyone else.

"How about we do a stupid couples costume? Like eggs and bacon," Bucky suggested, looking up at you from the rack he was staring into. You only shrugged and walked with him towards the couple costumes at the back of the store.

"Ew, these are all kinda erotic," you shivered, annoyed at the poor choice of clothes.

"Or it's green stretch suit skins. Do you want to be a pit of skimpy aliens?" you could only laugh.

"No, let's try to find eggs and bacon, like you suggested."

The next hour was spent searching through the racks of costumes until you have located an eggs and bacon couples costume, "We're gonna look so dumb," Bucky laughed, holding up the strip of bacon to his body.

"We look dumb in here already, c'mon let's just check out."

"I'll pay," Bucky offered, digging around in his pocket for his wallet.

You laid your hand over his and smiled, "Let me, you pay for everything else when we go out together."

"No, it's my job," he insisted.

"Oh shut up, you don't have to pay for everything. This is on me," you shut him down, and he only grumbled, defeated.

The cashier rang up your total and your tapped your card on the scanner.

"C'mon Bucky, I think Tony has a party planned for tonight."

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now