Flufftober Day 17: Domestic Fluff

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Bucky's arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you close to his body, the wooden spoon you were hold quickly slipped into the pan of food that was sat on the stove. His lips pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek before he rested his head on your shoulder. He whispered when he spoke, as not to deafen you, "What's in the pan, darling?"

"Just some chicken, why, are you hungry?" you feel Bucky's head move against your shoulder. You smile to yourself and walk forward, picking the spoon back up and stirring around the meat. You press one of the bigger pieces down, "Shouldn't be too much longer now, how about you get the tv set up?"

"But I don't want to move," he complained, his grip on your hips getting stronger, "I don't mind just standing here and watching though."

"Ok then, can you get me down to plates?" you asked, turning your head to look at him, You felt his head nod beside you before he let go and moved over to the cupboard, taking out two plates and laying them down next to the stove. Once he closed the cabinet door, he returned to his position behind you with his hands around you, "Thanks Bucky."

He only mumbled something inaudible against your neck, his breath hot on your skin. He intently watched as you finished up cooking, taking the pot of rice off the stove at the same time and moving to the sing to drain it.

Once it was drained, you served two plates of it and put the chicken on top of the grains and garnishing with a couple circles of green onion that Bucky had cut up for you earlier.

"Here, take your plate," you said as you handed it to him, turning off the burners and picking up your plant before walking into the lounge, two forks sitting on the coffee table in the middle of the room.

Before you managed to even sit down, Bucky had already shoved half the plate of food into his mouth, "This is really good!" he muffled out, mouth too full to properly speak.

"You're welcome," you said after laughing, pressing play on the show and eating your supper.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now