Flufftober Day 15: Silly Traditions

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"Wait, so what's all of this for?" Bucky asked, his hands holding streamers and balloons on strings held by his hands. You only laughed at him, trying to put the decorations up around your room.

"It's just a dumb family tradition and I just have to honour it," Bucky blinked, still confused.

"Oh c'mon, then why all of the balloons?"

"They have to cover the ceiling, at least that's what my parents would always say."

He shrugged, "How are you supposed to get them down?"

"You gotta pop them," you said, clearly used to the question.

"Wait, so what tradition is this for anyway?"

"Absolutely no idea," you said as you let go of the balloons that you were holding, "Let go of the balloons, they should just fill up the empty spots.

Bucky let go of the stings and the balloons floated up to the ceiling. Bucky reaction cause you to laugh, his eyes following them up to the ceiling but his reaction remaining unamused.

He watched you as you walked around your room stringing up lights around the wall, "And those?" Bucky asked.

"Oh, i just needed an excuse to put these up and I figured I could just do it while I had everything else out."

He nodded, "That's fair I guess."

You continued to move around the room, hanging up the lights on hooks you had put up earlier.

The next thing you grabbed out of the book of stuff, that you had dragged out of your closet, was a string of pennants.

"Here, let me help with something," Bucky offered.

"No no, that's okay. I got this," you reassured him.

You continued to move around your room, hanging up the strings of pennants, hanging them off of the furniture.

By the time you had finished, there were strings hanging off of your dresser, your footboard, your crown mouldings and over your windows.

Bucky stood up and moved from where he was to your door, "So you want the streamers here?"

"Yes that's be perfect," you said as you passed him the roll of tape, "Just tape the ends to the top of the door so they're invisible when it's closed."

He did as you said and taped it to the top.

"Ok so what next?" Bucky asked.

"That's it," you smiled and stood next to him, looking around your room as he reached to hold his hand. Bucky looked down at you and smiled, leaning down just enough to press a kiss to your lips.

"Thanks for your help today."

"Of course, anything for you," a soft smiled dawned on his lips.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now