Flufftober Day 2: Sneaking Out Together

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You had been sent upstate for a stakeout at a location where some HYDRA supporters had been spotted. Despite it having just have been an eyewitness report, S.H.I.E.L.D. decided it would be best for a handful of people to be sent out to keep watch. So Fury had sent you, Clint, Natasha and Bucky to the safehouse in the condo building across from where they were spotted. The four of you were supposed to be there for a week at most, or until the relief team would show up.

When you got there, the room was stocked with enough food for everyone to be comfortable, as well as board games, books and movies that suited everyone's taste. Clint and Natasha had volunteered to take a watch shift during the night, leaving Bucky and yourself to keep watch during the day.

The condo itself was furnished with a pair of twin beds in each of the two bedrooms, comfortable couches in the lounge and a table that seated four in the kitchen. Once you had gotten there, the last team of agents were packing up what personal belongings they had taken with them, leaving the cameras in the blinds that were recording every movement across the street, as well as sensors that triggered still life photos to capture.

"Two rules for the next week," one of the agents spoke, "No one in or out, and no information to be transmitted back digitally, everything will be recordings and verbal. Is that clear?" everyone nodded.

"We'll start our watch now, where it's practically dusk at the point," Natasha explained, nodding in the general direction of the camera's and Clint, "Get something to eat and then head to bed."


It was just about dawn when you had rolled out of bed, Bucky's light snoring was the only sound in the whole condo. Outside your room, all you could hear was the muffled snoring of Clint and the breathing of Natasha.

You slowly crept out of the room and walked into the kitchenette, you took two bowls out of the cupboard and poured dry cereal into them. You went back into the room to wake Bucky, only to find him sitting up in his bed, the sheet resting over his hips.

Your cheeks tinted, despite having seen Bucky shirtless a countless number of times, but the slightest show of skin and your face would always erupt. Together or not, you always found everything from his bed head to his smile adorable, "Oh, you're awake."

"Good morning," he greeted you, his voice groggy as he rolled out of bed.

"There's a bowl of dry cereal out on the counter for you, unless Clint or Natasha ate it already," he chuckled getting out of his bed and pulling a tank top over his torso.

You walk back out to the kitchen to find the other pair dragging themselves into bed, and two untouched bowls on the counter.

The next couple of days was a blur as you all fell into a pattern; wake up early, eat, check the cameras, lounge around, swap shifts and repeat. And by the sixth day, everyone was restless and itching to get out.

It was then when you remembered how boring stakeouts could be, especially when every single picture the camera took was of a bug or bird.

That was until Bucky spoke. "We should get out of here tonight. Get a coffee or something from one of the 24-hour shops. Get some air, y'know?"


"Wait, wow. I expected you to say something that it was against the rules or if Clint or Natasha caught us," he chuckled.

"Besides, I was planning on getting out for some air tonight anyway," you shrugged, refocusing your attention to the task at hand.

It was dark when you saw the same four walls from earlier that day, except Natasha and Clint were fast asleep on the couches. Bucky reached the door before you, slowly opening it and flinching at the hinges squeak.

"Hush," Bucky whispers, slipping out of the room without a sound. You held your breath and ducked out into the hallway.

"So... coffee?"

Bucky was right, there was a 24-hour coffee shop just down the road from the condo building. The atmosphere inside was much warmer than the cold air of the autumn night. The warm glow of the lights and the smell of coffee and freshly baked pastries filled your nose and eyes.

"Take a seat over in the corner, I'll get drinks and be right over," he walked away from you and left you in the middle of the cafe.

Looking around, you spied a seat in the corner by the window and took it, and waited for Bucky to return.

You weren't waiting very long, he walked over moments later with two mugs of fresh coffee, "Best coffee I've had in ages. God I miss upstate," you mentioned, before bringing the mug to your lips and drinking. Bucky only nodded in agreement, too distracted by the mug in his hands.

"You wouldn't have snuck out if I didn't mention it, would you?" you looked away embarrassed.

"Uh, yes. I would've," you replied, trying to sound confident but the shake in your voice did not aid much.

Bucky's laugh filled the quaint cafe, "I call bullshit."

"Hey! It's not bulls-" you were quickly cut off, his lips on your's silencing you. You felt his hand brush up against your face, the action calming you instantly as you melted into the kiss. You felt him smile against your lips before he parted from you and sat back down in his chair opposite of you.

"Like I said, (Y/N). Absolute bullshit."

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now