Flufftober Day 4: Sparklers and Fireworks

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You awoke to a huge crash outside, the sound of everything falling below your window annoyed you to the point where there was no point in trying to fall back to sleep. You rolled over to look at your clock, the red numbering reading 4:30 PM. Groaning, you rolled back over to come face to face with Bucky as he tried to ignore the sound outside.

He cleared his throat before speaking, "Good morning, beautiful."

You quickly pressed your lips to his before rolling out of bed and walking over to the window to see what was going on, only to find a single truck outside being filled with boxes, crates and metal cases.

"A night shift always seems to end with a disaster and waking up way too early because someone inside or outside breaks something," he said as he finally managed to drag himself out of bed to stand up beside you at the window.

You turned from the window to find something more suitable to wear rather than a pair of Bucky's boxers and one of his t-shirts. Bucky, on the other hand, was perfectly fine to walk out in a pair of black S.H.I.E.L.D. training sweatpants.

"C'mon," you opened the door once you were ready and walked out, "Let's get something to eat and go find out what's going on outside. I think there's some cold spaghetti left in the fridge from last night."

The two of you finished eating and then went to find someone outside, only to find Happy standing out by the mess of spilled cases on the ground.

"Yo, Happy," Bucky called, "What's going on?"

"A town nearby is having a firework show for the return of Thor. Apparently someone heard that he was coming down for a bit."

"And let me guess, they need the entirety of The Avengers to watch over and make sure no one gets hurt?"

"Actually no," Happy looked from Bucky to you once he heard you speak, "You all have to go there because Thor's not coming alone. The Avengers were requested to keep watch of Loki so he doesn't try anything again."

"Of course," you groaned and walked away.

"Be back here for six!" Happy called after you.

Bucky only gave him a thumbs up before walking inside the tower. You were both silent as you walked inside and up to your rooms.

"Come on over once you're ready," he spoke before entering his room, the door shutting behind him. You walked into your room and quickly put on your uniform, knocking on Bucky's door once you were ready.

Bucky opened the door and walked down the hall with you, the elevator beeping as the doors opened.

Happy waves you over to the bus where everyone else was standing, "Alright everyone. If anything happens, I would say don't kill him but he'd kill you first," Tony spoke.

You watched Natasha roll her eyes, "What he tried to say was, don't die, and don't let anyone else die."

The whole team nodded and got on the bus, everyone chatting with each other for the entire drive.

It was dark once you got there, the townsfolk were watching their kids run around with sparklers and other adults sat around bonfires.

You looked around to see kids running circles around the two Asgardian princes, glow sticks and sparklers in there hands.

"Come with me," Bucky motioned, walking away to a hill that overlooked a lake beside the town. You quickly followed behind.

"What are we doing?" you asked, still confused as to why he separated you from the group.

"Come here, sit."

You did as he said and sat down beside him, laying your head on his shoulder.

Bucky leaned back and swiped a stray hair out of your face, his lips connected with yours as a firework exploded, lighting up the sky behind you.

Flufftober 2021: Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now