please come back to me • sana

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Saturday night, drink night. I'm not an alcoholic person until I lost Sana. She broke up with me because I was acting dense and chill to the point she felt like she's not my girlfriend anymore. I said sorry to her everyday, begging her to come back. Saying I'll change and we'll make it work this time but she ignored my efforts and knew she's with another guy after few months.

I went to the usual bar and drink until i'm not breathing anymore. However, this stupid bartender called Sana to come over the bar.

"Y/N, what the actual f*ck are you doing? Stand up." I heard a familiar female voice but I was really drunk to scan the person.

"Go away, I need Sana. Only her~"

"Please help yourself Y/N. Come on now."

"Who are you?" I said at a very drunk state.

"Sana, now stand up you need to go home now." She pulled my arm forcing me to stand. She brought me to her car and went to the driver seat.


"Hmm?" she hummer in response.

"Come back to me, please?"


"I still love you."

"Can you please give us another chance? I promise I'm not the same as before, just please come back to me."

"Y/N, you're drunk and you know I have someone else now.

"Leave him for me. I know you still love me, Sana. Why did you have to leave me?"

"I-I don't love you anymore. I just came because I had no choice that the bartender called me." I cried when I heard the most hurtful words I'd never thought I'd hear from her. She just drove me home and I cried myself to sleep, drunk.

"You're home. Help yourself at least once please." She supported my arm leading me inside the house. Sana dropped me on the sofa and I looked straight to her brown eyes.

"I know i'm very drunk right now, but I can still think straight Sana. I mean these words."

"You're my home, Sana. I was homeless ever since you left me. I know you're happy with him now but in case you change your mind, please know i'm always waiting for you to come back here." I held her hand and cried. She's not responding much, I could feel she's hurt right now but I can't see those spark in her eyes anymore.

"I have to go now, he's waiting for me. Take care." She removed the grip of my hand and watch her silhouette's size go smaller and smaller. I can't take it anymore, I bursted my tears out and cried myself to sleep.

"I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes, Sana."

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