torture • mina

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⚠️t.w. - torture/abuse, swear words, slavery etc.

requested by: @******* [for their privacy]

People know Mina as a cute, naive, and soft member of TWICE. Unfortunately, you're the only person who could witness her dark sides.

She is a quiet and kind type but when it comes to you, she's totally a different person.

She's been using you and treating you as her slave while you don't even know what's her motive, all you know is she's crazy

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She's been using you and treating you as her slave while you don't even know what's her motive, all you know is she's crazy.

Mina has a hectic schedule especially these days because of their group comeback, you're expecting her to come home mad as hell and you were right. She's staying with you at their dorm.

"Open the door, Y/N." She banged on your door.

"Hold on-" You stood up but she was furiously knocking until you finally opened it.

"You're so slow!" She threw her bag to you and you immediately put it at her closet before she could get infuriated.

You sighed to yourself as you lied down on the couch. You know she would shout at you if she saw you but you didn't care anymore because you're so tired of this.

"Get your ass off there, you have no right to stop serving me." Mina looked down on you.

"Can you stop doing this to me? I can't feel anything anymore-" You complained.

"What did you just say?" She leaned forward.

"I'm tired, let me go please? You're completely insane!" You stood up and shout on her.

Mina slapped you very hard. You felt your cheeks sting for seconds then found her grabbing ropes once again from her hidden cabinet.

"Don't you dare shout at me, i'm also very tired from work and you're treating me like this? Sit." She commanded but you didn't comply.

"No, i'm leaving." You said and tried to walk away.

"I said sit down! You're not going anywhere and won't eat until i said so." Mina then tied your hands tightly at your back with a blindfold while sitting on the chair.

She turned the television on at a loud volume to refrain the other members to hear you from their own rooms. When all you could see is nothing, she suddenly hits you with a hard thing you don't know until your stomach was bruising already.

"Nggg!!!!" You couldn't shout clearly with her loaded cloth on your mouth.

After a bunch of hitting, Mina noticed you were at the verge of passing out from intense pain.

"Don't sleep, bitch, i'm not yet done." She lifted up your chin, still with your blindfold on.

You couldn't scream to beg her to stop anymore, until you fully passed out.

Days later, you were thankful that she and the members went out of town to film one of their shows. You finally had the chance to heal yourself but up until now, you're still locked up and the other members don't know you're staying here.


"Hello..?" You answered the call.

"Y/N!!! I'm missing you already, do you want to grab a coffee when we get home?" Dahyun excitingly asked.

"Uhm, yeah sure. Where should we meet?" You asked her.

"At our dorm? We'll be home soon." She said.

"Oh okay, i'm on the way!" You pretended that you're not at their dorm. No one knows for sure except of course, Mina.

After minutes, they finally arrived at the dorm. Of course, you told Dahyun you'll be waiting from Mina's room since you're locked up and grounded.

Unfortunately, she wouldn't have any suspicions since she think you always come by at Mina's room. Little did she know, Mina was gatekeeping you before until it became a torture.

"Where are you going?" You could hear Mina innocently ask her from outside.

"Your room, Y/N's there right?" Dahyun said.

"And?" She asked.

"We're going out tonight for a coffee~" Dahyun chuckled.

"Shit." You cursed under your breath while eavesdropping through the door. You know Mina would punish you for going out with other members. Simple as that, she's raging into you.

*knock knock*

"Y/N?" Mina called you in a sweet tone.

"I'm coming!" You pretended to shout from the restroom and opened the door.

"Let's go?" Dahyun smiled to you.

"Yeah." You nervously smiled when you could see Mina doing her scary smile just for you.

After an hour of having a drink with Dahyun, you went back to their dorm again together. You didn't want it to end, these were the only moments you're feeling safe.

"You're still funny like the old times." Dahyun poked your stomach.

"Ow!" You tried to hide your reaction so you just pretended.

"Omo sorry. Do you have any wounds-" Dahyun tried to lift your shirt but you stopped her.

"No!" You stopped and that made Dahyun look at you weirdly so you thought of an alibi.

"What?" Dahyun looked at you.

"I haven't h-hit the gym for weeks now, i'll let you see my work soon." You joked and both of you saw Mina standing on the entrance.

"Okay then, let's hit the gym together!" Dahyun said. "Oh, Mina unnie? How long have you been there?"

"I just threw out the trash." Mina smiled at her. "How was your coffee date?"

"I love it, hope we can grab again soon okay? I'll be resting now~" Dahyun went inside.

"Did you have fun?" Mina asked frighteningly.

"N-No." You lied so you won't get punished, but you were wrong. You made it worse.

"Okay, we'll have fun tonight then." Mina went inside and you knew you should serve her again.


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