regular patient • momo

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"Oh Dr. L/N! Have a good day today~" One of our nurses in this hospital greeted me.

"Have a good day, sweetie." I smiled.

"Oh my god.." The nurses beside her silently squealed while pulling her back and forth.

"I want to have that confidence, Jihyo unnie!" They teased one another.

"My day is already complete, babes!" Nurse Jihyo whisper-shouted while hugging herself.

"It's literally 6 am in the morning?" Nurse Tzuyu rolled her eyes.

Their little chats made me chuckle as i entered my office. Jeongyeon, my medical secretary, welcomed me by telling me to prepare for my first patient to be consulted. I didn't waste any time and finished my morning duty.


"Good afternoon." My first patient this afternoon entered my office.

"Yes, good afternoon. Have your seat." I smiled.

My first patient this afternoon was younger than my usual patients, and she's quite familiar.

"Ms. Hirai.. Momo?" " I looked at her document.

"Yes, doc." She said.

"Please correct me if i'm wrong, but have you been my patient before?" I asked her.

"I was also here last week." She nodded.

"What was the problem last time?" I asked.

"I had uhm.. a headache." She nodded.

"Oh, yes i remember now. What's the problem this time?"

"I started having colds and cough." She simply said.

"When did it begin to occur?"

"Just..last night?" She was trying to hide her fidgetings but i could still see it.

Im not really sure but she seems completely fine. When she noticed i was thinking a little long, she suddenly sniffed a bit and let out a cough, a bit.. forced? I noticed my medical secretary holding her smile that's about to laugh.

"Oookay. I'll be giving you drug prescriptions for your intake. It's perfectly normal but if it lasted for 2 weeks and more then that's the time you need to consult me." I gave her the few prescribed medicine for her colds and cough.

"Thank you so much, doc." She stood up and kept her prescription paper inside her pocket but before she could leave, i called her attention.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I blinked as the side of my mouth raised a bit.

It's funny how she's obviously faking her cough, i've been a doctor for a decade and this was the first time i heard a cough that's so cute.

"Of course, doc! Is there.. something wrong with my lungs?" She smiled awkwardly.

"With y-your what? No, Ms. Hirai it's just you look pretty good since the last checkup you had." I said.

I could sense Jeongyeon still watching us. This woman doesn't normally care about my consultation with my patients but why does she seems so interested?

"Do you have a crush on Dr. L/N?" My medical secretary asked while smirking.

"M-Me?!" Her eyes widened as she heard Jeongyeon's question. I choked from the air i was inhaling.

"Focus on your work." I shot my medical secretary a glare while pressing down my pen's tip.

"Uhuh~" Jeongyeon still answered her question with a confident smirk plastered on her face.

"Thank you, hope you'll get better." I tried to end it with thanking my patient since she looks tensed. Who actually wouldn't be with my medical secretary's nonsense question?

"T-Thank you, doc!" She just bowed with a nervous smile while closing the door.

"What was that unprofessional act, Ms. Yoo?" I stood up from my table and placed my hands on my hip inside my lab gown.

"She's crushing on you, doc. Everybody does anyways!" Jeongyeon played with her pen by spinning it repeatedly.

"What are you saying?" I chuckled.

"Tell me doc, would you consult the doctor because you have a headache and colds that its meds could be bought from the pharmacy? Oh my, she's in love with you~" My medical secretary squealed like an idiot.

"You're talking too much, you know?" I laughed.

"Whatever doc, she's your last duty patient for today then why not go to her? She's a cutie, she's definitely your type!!" She teased.

"Keep it low, will you? I'll go find her." I chuckled and went outside to follow that woman.

I went outside to search but i couldn't find her. Luckily, i heard the elevator's sound so i quickly went there to stop the closing door with my hand. She was surprised to see me as i rode the elevator and went beside her.

"Ms. Hirai Momo, right?" I asked.

"Ne, w-why are you here, doc?" She wasn't looking at me.

"I just wanted to check on my regular patient."

"I'm completely f-fine, you don't have to worry doc." She smiled to assure me.

"If you're completely fine, then why would you come and visit here?" I chuckled.

There was a long silence and I could see swallowing on her throat but after seconds, she turned into a different one. She was suddenly confident that made me kind of nervous.

"Your secretary is right.. I like you and you're too hot to handle." She smiled while looking at me.


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