Sleep Anger

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I have been in the bath for a while and since I can't use my heat, unless I needed to melt butter, I am laying in a cold uncomfortable bath.

"This is ridiculous." I groaned as I placed my hands on the tub walls and hoisted myself up. "Lord." I lifted myself to the tubs edge. "I guess Clints strength days payed off."

I reached behind me and grabbed the towel that was waiting for me on the sink.
(Ok... let's see how truthful Loki was. I'm not like most girls, I'm not weak.)

I moved my first leg onto the rooms floor and then the other. I admit they were sore, my whole lower half was.
(I wonder if there are clothes anywhere.)

I stood up and at the first step I crumbled to the floor. "Damn it." I growled and propped myself on my forearms. "Come on, Willow. You're not weak, this is just like leg day. Except it's my whole lower half."

I lifted myself up into my butt and sat like a mermaid.
(It's either I could go to the bed which is right in front of me, but is still dirty with blood and.... Or I could go to the seating area across the room.)

I got onto my knees and held onto the tub as my wobbly legs stood me up. "Ow." I used the sink as a railing of sorts to help me walk towards the bed. Which now that I look at it is freshly made.
(Loki has magic right?)

From the sink to the wall and then falling onto the bed. "Made it." I celebrated and rolled onto the pillows so I could pull the blankets away for me to move under. "Awe, warm." I smiled and went deeper under the covers.

I surprisingly but also not surprisingly yawned as I snuggled in the cloud bed. My eyelids were already fluttering to sleep while I tried to stay awake.
(Maybe just a nap, I'm tired. Loki will wake me when he brings food.)

My eyes closed and my mind shut down in to sleep mode.

There was a pushing between my legs, a pressure filling me up. I could hear a ruffling sound and weighted breathing. As I became closer and closer to consciousness, something shifted in and out of my body.

My eyes flew open to see Loki above me, naked and pumping in me like a beast. Fucking in deep, fast thrusts, his eyes were wild. I could see the anger seeping out of him as he watched his cock slide in and out of me.

"Loki." I gasped a moan, he snapped his eyes to mine. "What...uh.. what are you doing?" My hands moved to his forearms that were trapping me.

"It's about time you woke up," He chuckled throatily, not stopping the pace of his thrusts. "I couldn't wait, the men aren't working fast enough." He sped up. "I gave them knowledge, opened there mind." He went faster with anger. "Any resources they need I will supply yet they are not working to there full potential."

I pushed him, hoping he would slow. "Loki." His eyes softened at my pleading voice. "Calm down. Please."

He slowed down his pace some. "Sorry, I just can't lose control."

I cupped his cheek. "Please explain. You keep saying that but I don't understand." He leaned his head in my hand. "Please, if I understand then I won't feel so.... Confused and used."

Loki's eyes softened. "The scepter, it enhances my anger. If I get angry it grows out of control and I can't stop myself." His thrusts began faster. "I go into a blind rage, it's happened before."

(The scepter controls him? His anger. That would explain why his eyes shimmer a blue as he gets angry. He also doesn't seem the type to rape a woman for fun. He took care of me.)

I nodded. "Thank you." I wrapped my legs around his. "It's fine... Release your anger."

I turned on the cold once again. "Norms." Loki grunted and went faster in my cunt. "I have never.." Loki went faster. "..experienced this before."

"Loki." A buildup of tension started as Loki sucked my nipple.

My back arched and toes curled, almost like a clenching feeling. My breath hitched, it felt like I couldn't take it anymore.

Suddenly all that tension is released and it pulsed throughout my body. "Loki!!" I sprang into him and held in tight as my cunt soaked his cock. "God!"

I went limp as Loki continued. "You're so good for me." He groaned. "So tight, you're taking all of me."

I moaned and my hands went to his hair as he sucked and bit my sweet spots.
(I just woke up from Loki kidnapping me and I already feel connected to him. He is the bad guy and I am willingly sleeping with him. This can't be rape, it most likely never was.)

Tears started to leave my eyes.
(What would Professor X say? What would Nick say? Coulson? Barton? ... Barton?! Loki took Clint! What if Clint already knows? I fell for the world conqueror.)

Loki slowed down as he looked at my tears with worry. Not knowing to me since I was lost in my thoughts.
(I was trained to not fall in love with the enemy..... Wait, I didn't love him! I just, am hypnotized. Why would I love him? This can't be love, love is... pain. People you love abandon you, you can't trust love unless you are fine with your heart being ripped out.)

"Tigress?" Loki wiped my tears.

My eyes snapped to his. "Hmm?"

"Why are you crying? Does it hurt?" Loki slowly pumped inside me.

"No." I wiped away the tears. "I am just confused. Are you sedated? Can I lay on top of you like earlier?"

Loki smiled. "I'm not but I will allow it since you have been so good." He wrapped his arms around me and turned us so I was straddling him and he was leaning on the headboard. "Can you tell me what you are confused about?"

I laid my head on his chest, his heart beat calming me. "You're supposed to be the enemy, the bad guys. And this isn't supposed to happen. I shouldn't be feeling this way about you." I hugged him.

He rubbed my back. "What way is that, tigress?"

"I care for you, I want you to be ok. I feel the need to make sure you are happy. I want to pleasure you, I like pleasuring you. I trust you and even if you hurt me I still want you. It's only been a day yet, I feel like it's been more." I closed my eyes and listened to his heart beat which seemed to pick up. "I like you but I know I am just here for you to release your pent up anger and after all of this I will either be killed in some way or go back to SHIELD where I will be a compromised agent and my reputation tarnished." I shed some tears. "I just don't know what is happening. I'm so confused."

Loki started to massage my scalp. "I understand why you are confused. You have to understand all you feel for me are just hormones. It's just the serotonin and oxytocin making you feel this way about me."

I calmed down and took a deep breath. "Yea, I guess you're right. I have no knowledge of hormones and biology." Loki continued to rub me to sleep with his massage. "Do you have to take over the world?" I said as my eyes closed.

"I have no choice." I feel asleep.

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