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Years, Years have gone by..... No Loki

Tony and prosthetics care new combination but I am surprised at what he built for me. It's light weight and look like an actual leg with some synthetic material. The knee moves with the motion of my thigh so it is like a normal extension when I step forward. It's good, a limp at first but I got the hang of it and now I'm walking like a late secretary.

I've seen news footage of Thor in London battling a ship. Loki wasn't with him and that was a year ago. I still wear the necklace and never take it off so if he was here, he would know where to find me. If he wanted to find me, a mortal.

My powers started to lose control again, always cold. I feel alone inside, like my fear of abandonment was kicking me in the ass for getting close to Loki. Who seems to have done just that, abandoned me. But at least I am not angry and making everything hot... Look at the positive side, Loki hurt me in a sad way.

Since my leg is missing I'm off the field, Fury benched me. Now I am just another nameless face walking around from desk to coffee machine. But even with a leg Fury won't send me on any missions, it's annoying. But then he died, and SHIELD fell. So......

But just like Fury he faked his death and strolled away to happy land where he is just going to continue his work. And since now I am out of a job I turned to the only other people I could... Clint and Tony, also part of the Avengers. Natasha is the only other close person to me, Bruce, Steve, and Thor aren't really. I battled once with them, doesn't make me part of the family.

Now it's 2015 and I live in the Avenger compound with the rest of the team. But I am not part of the team in a fighting way, more of a friend that works for Tony. Which isn't much, I am like his personal 'Do the work for me so Pepper doesn't lose her mind'. So I just read over paperwork and sum it up for him.

It's been awfully quiet in the alien department since Thor two years ago. But even if there was another, for physical and emotional reasons, Tony and Clint don't want me out in the field, if they even get a mission.

Each and every day I work on my skills with the leg I can't control normally, I'm getting better. Natasha, Steve, and Clint work out with me. I just need them to see I am not a weak disabled person. Sidelines are not for me, I was sidelined my whole life, I'm not letting it happen again.

"Miss Wright, Thor Odinson has arrived." Jarvis informed me.

"Thank you." I stood up in my emerald green velvet off the shoulder dress. "Let's have a over due talk."

Ever since Loki has completely disappeared I have made Jarvis tell me if either of the Gods arrived on Earth. Tonight is another Stark party and I was hoping Thor would join, he did. I was tired of feeling the way I felt, I missed him to the point of crying to death in a below freezing room.

I walked out of the room to the large gathering area where the party was starting to grow. Thor was saying his manly hellos to the team as I walked up.

"Ah! Lady Willow." Thor beamed. "Long time no see." He gave me a hug. "I see Stark has made you a leg." He set me down and looked at my frowning stern face. "What is it?" Thor frowned.

"Two years." Thor frowned. "It's been two years and I haven't heard from him." The team looked at me with raised brows.

Thor looked to the ground then at me. "My apologies Lady Willow. My Father sentenced Loki to life in the dungeons as soon as he got back."

"Seems fair." Tony shrugged.

I glared at him. "It's not." I looked at Thor. "Did he not tell you?" Thor furrowed his brows. "Damn it, Loki." I growled. "Loki was tortured into coming to Earth with an army. The scepter enhanced his anger too. He didn't want to do what he did but he had to because if he didn't the man behind the curtain would have brought an army ten times the size and killed half of the Earth."

The whole teams eyes grew except Tony and Nat who usually kept a stiff face. "Why haven't we heard any of this?" Steve asked.

"Loki told Fury about the bigger threat and when Loki left I told Fury the rest of the story." I scoffed. "Did he not tell any of you?" They all shook there heads. "Loki isn't the villain here, he's the man who was burned and cut into invading." I looked at Thor. "Tell your father that. Loki is innocent."

Thor looked at the team then at me. "Lady Willow, my brother... Loki has perished in battle."

My heart stopped. "What?" The room got cold. "Wha-." I chuckled. "No... No. He's a God, he can't die." I smiled. "He's Loki." Everyone started to shiver.

Tony stepped forward. "Alright kid." He took my arm. "Let's get you some air before you turn this to a Christmas party." Tony led me out of the building. "Just take some hot breaths or something." Tony took his hand off of my freezing back.

My arm wrapped around the arm that was lifted to fiddle with the necklace. "He's not dead. He promised he'd come back and have a second date." The grass beneath my feet crutched as it froze.

"Willow you need to calm down before-." I fell onto the grass. "That happens." Tony knelt to the ground. "You're leg can't handle extra cold temperatures."

I sat up. "Tony just leave me. I'm fine, I need a moment." Tony went to say something. "Tony." I snapped. "Just go."

"I'm here for you if you need kid." He stood up and walked back to the party, stealing glances at me from behind him.

I felt so out of control, I felt as if my heart was ripped apart and I didn't know why. I didn't know what to do, I felt like laughing but I couldn't. I wanted to cry but nothing came out, I was angry, I was sad. I hated everything and I didn't know why. I know I loved him but I loved my parents and I didn't feel this way when they left.

"Ahhh!" I ripped off my metal leg and threw it. I didn't know what to do. The grass started to sizzle and steam around me. "Why!" I yelled at no one in particular. Tears finally streamed down my face, a mix of anger and sorrow. "This isn't real! He's not..." I laid down on the grass and looked to the stars. "I hate love, I hate it!"


I grabbed my head. {Get out!}

{Willow I understand but you must calm down.} Professor said softly.

{I have it a chance. I let it in and it ripped my heart out again. I can never trust it. It's painful and evil!} I covered my eyes and cried as the grass around me mixed with ice and burns. {It's to much. This is to much. Why am I feeling this way? It's to much.}

{Willow Logan and Bobby are on there way. Just take some deep breaths. Tell me how Mr. Stark has been treating you. Have you made friends with the team?}

I wiped my eyes. {Tony is good, sarcastic but nice. The team is more of a family of acquaintances. I'm close but... I wasn't really part of them. I'm like the new girl all over again but this time they aren't afraid of me. They all think I am weak, except Natasha, she doesn't give a shit if I lost a leg.} I smiled.

A plan landed beside me. {They will come out to get you. Stay there.}

I sat up. {I can't exactly go anywhere. I threw my leg.}

{You will be alright, Willow.} Professor left my mind.

Logan walked out of the jet and Bobby ran over to give me a hug. "Hey."

"He's gone." I wrapped my arms around him. "I opened up, made myself vulnerable and now..." I cried. "Bobby, I don't know why I feel this way, it was only a week."

Logan walked over. "Hey Kiddo." He knelt down. "Why don't we get you back home?"

I nodded and let go of Bobby. "Ok." Logan smiled and picked me up.

"Where did you throw your leg?" Bobby asked as he walked around in the dark.

"Just leave it. Tony will find it later." Logan walked me onto the jet. "I don't need it."

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