Phone Call

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Jean was not lying when she said it would get harder, it was horrible.

I slept all the time and always felt tired, I missed Loki. My powers were out of control with the emotional mess I was. Which didn't help with trying to not get the baby's cold. I had to go to the medical room to warm myself to stop from freezing.

Morning sickness with twins was not just morning, it was at any point in the day. It seemed like every time I ate I got sick. My breasts got bigger and more sore, my bump grew with the fast growing baby's.

I was told I was 5 weeks pregnant when it should have been 3. Now... Now I am three months (12 weeks) pregnant when I should be two months (8 weeks). They are growing to fast and no one knows what to do.

Im getting anxiety, this whole experience is messing with me like crazy. I want to cry and scream, I hate not having Loki here, I need him. Loki has now been gone for two months and has missed three months of his children's growth. Im afraid he will come back and they will already be born.

What if they grow fast when they are born and he misses more? How long does it take to research about his kind? What if he's hurt? What if he isn't coming back?

I need him, I can't lose him again. "Willow?" Jean walked into my room with a tray of food. "I brought you your lunch." I sat up and she put the tray on my lap. "May I check?"

"Yes." I moved the tray next to me and laid back. "Im tired more and..." I started tearing up.

"Shhh, it's fine Willow. You're doing great." She ran her hands over my bump and closed her eyes. "They are both growing healthy with the proper blood flow and nutrition."

"Have they grown any more weeks?" She took they tray and sat it back on my lap. "How long until they are to full growth?"

"They are still at the three month mark. As for how long, I can't say." I nodded and picked up the bowel of hot soup. "I want you to drink all of that. I know it is a packed soup but you need to receive calcium someway."

I nodded. "Thank you." She smiled. "Is there any news? Maybe Thor sent a message."

"Do not worry yourself." I frowned. "Eat then I am going to take you on a walk. Even pregnant women need a little exercise." I nodded and began to eat.

"Jean?" Storm picked her head in and smiled at me before looking back at Jean. "It's Sarah again." She gave a 'I'm sorry' toothy smile.

Jean nodded. "I'll be right there." Storm nodded and left. Jean looked back at me. "I will be right back. Eat and wait for me." I nodded and ate more of the stew-like soup.

Jean left for the medical room and right after Professor appeared. {How are you, Willow?}

I shrugged. "I'm ok." He 'wheeled' over. "I miss him. Are you sure you can't find him with Ceribro?"

{I can not. He is off world and even when he was here I couldn't reach his mind.} I nodded. {You have been worrying to much. You should not be thinking like that.}

"It's not like he hasn't left before." Professor frowned. "Am I wrong? Maybe he finally realized I was a waste of time or something."

{Willow.} I looked into his eyes. {You know he wouldn't leave you again.} I sighed and continued to eat. {He will be back.}

"When?" I looked up. "When their born? When they have their second birthday?" Tears left my eyes. "When if he doesn't hear their first words, or see their first steps." I sniffled.

{He will. Have hope he will make it back.} I nodded and drank the broth of the soup. {Would you like anything?}

I thought for a while. "Cottage cheese with honey and fruit mixed in." I smiled. "But I can't have cottage cheese." I chuckled. "I'm fine."

{If you need anything just call out for me.} I smiled and nodded. {I'll send Jean back with some hazelnut coffee.}

I inhaled with a smile. "Thank you. That sounds good." Professor then vanished and my smile left.

My phone started to ring, I picked it up and froze. It was Tony, they don't know. I haven't spoken to any of the team since I e been here. They don't know I'm pregnant, what would they think. Why is he calling? Does he have news on Loki?

I answered the phone. "Finally, I thought you weren't going to pick up." He said.

"Sorry Tony. How have you been?" I situated the video call so it only showed my upper half.

He walked around as if I wasn't in his hand. "I'm great, Morgan and Pepper to. You look like you haven't been to good. You should get out more, looking pale there lavagirl."

I smiled. "Thanks. Sorry I haven't kept touch." He shrugged an 'It's fine'. "Did you want to ask me something?"

"Oh, yea. I want to have a party at the new Avengers campus or whatever Steve is calling it. Opening night sort of thing."

"And you wanted me to come?" I said slowly.

"Well of course. You are an Avenger." He scoffed. "We haven't seen you in like.. two months or something." He kissed Pepper on the cheek. "I'm heading out." He told her.

"Tony." I said shyly.

"Yea, kid?" He looked at me.

"Something has happened in the two months I've been here. And it will freak the team out."

"What did you do?" He sighed. "Should I phone Reindeer games?"

My eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"Page him... Danvers gave them a pager so if we needed them in an emergency they would come."

"Are you serious?! Why haven't you told me! You should have told me!!" Tony's eyes widened. "Tony. You need to call Loki now!"

"Kids it's for emergencies only." He said quickly as he sat down in his car.

"Tony!" I snapped. "Call him now." I growled. "It's an emergency and Loki needs to be here. Page him now, 911. He needs to be here immediately."

"Why? Are you ok? What's the emergency?" I closed my mouth.

"I want Loki to know first before I tell everyone. I'm fine and healthy. I need Loki now. I needed him weeks ago but I didn't know how to get him." Tears ran down my face. "Please, he needs to be here."

Tony's face softened. "I'll call Steve to send the signal."

"Thank you." I wiped my tears. "So..." I chuckled. "When's this party of yours?"

"Two days, had to send invitations out."

"How big is it?" Tony looked at me like 'Thats a stupid question'. "I don't think it is a good idea if I go to a Stark party. Maybe I'll stop by after hours, fashionably late." I smiled.

Tony rolled his eyes. "Im the only one allowed to be fashionably late." He smiled. "But as long as you come. We actually miss you believe it or not."

I smiled. "I miss you guys too. I'll see you there. Make sure you call Steve immediately. Please."

"Will do, Kid. Bye now." He hung up the call.

"Willow?" Jean walked in with a mug in hand. "Xavier told me to bring this." She handed me the hot cup of coffee. "Im glad you ate the soup." She took the tray with her telekinesis. "Are you feeling well enough to walk?" She held out a hand.

"I've never felt better." I smiled and took her hand.

(Loki is coming back. He won't miss anymore. He's coming back.)

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