Hateful Mission

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For the rest of the day Loki was out with his men, shadowing and looking over there shoulders at there work. He would stop here to see if I was alright and bring me food.

I wasn't alright, but I didn't want him here when I emptied my stomach. It wasn't serious, just a little sickness but I was fine. Through the day I read Loki's collection of Shakespeare, which was a slow read since I wasn't fluent in what Old English meant.

But that is how my day went; read, eat, get sick a little, read some more, refuse to eat, read. It was very boring so I chose to take a quick bath with a book. Of course my baths were more like 'Turn the water on warm then soak in it till I turns cold then leave'. Mostly that is how my bath is because I don't like stepping out of the bath in the cold and almost fainting from the heat, and the lack of powers isn't helping.

When I looked in the mirror I gasped, not at my tangled hair or my pale face, but the bite mark that was starting to form black veins around it. Not big veins but thread like navy blue spider veins. I never noticed because it was always covered with clothes and since I never changed without Loki's magic I never had a chance to look.

(I'll ask Loki about it later.)
I got dressed again and laid underneath the covers, sitting up against the headrest with a book in hand.

A half book later Loki appeared in front of me, clearly with anger. "Loki?" I set the book down.

He stormed over to me. "I need you." His eyes shined blue for a second as he pulled the blankets away.

He climbed onto the bed, towering over me. "Slow down." My eyes widened as he ripped the book out of my hand. Loki vanished our clothes and spread my legs apart. "Loki... slow down."

He grabbed his cock and laid against me. "No, I need-." He plunged into me. "-you." He started to thrust into me.

"Loki." My hands automatically went to his shoulders. "What happened?" I gasped at his fierce and sudden motions.

Loki tossed my leg over his shoulder and began fucking with fast, deep thrusts. His eyes were wild as he stared down at me. "I have to leave."

My brows furrowed. "What-What do you m-mean?" My nails dug in his arms. "Uhh." I gasped.

"I need... to get... an eye." He grunted. "They need iridium but the place... it's kept has a iris recognition. It's a.... a biometric identification so I need to get... an eye." He moves faster in me.

I can see the stress and anger slowly die down. "Thank you for telling me." I turned on the cold.

"Uhh." Loki groaned and rutted faster. "Yes, give me all of it. Be a good little tigress." I turned all of my cold abilities onto my cunts walls. "Norms!" He went faster as his skin turned blue, his eyes red but since they were closed in pleasure I couldn't see.

"Loki.... I'm... I'm going..... Fuck!" My sex clenched around Loki's throbbing cock. "Fuck, Loki!" He dropped my leg from his shoulder, I wrapped them to his hips.

"Mmm." He growled. "Mine." He lowered his lips to my shoulder and bit in the same spot as last time.

Pure ecstasy poured though me as his teeth sunk in to my skin. "Loki." I said lost in breathless pleasure. "L-." My hands trailed down his arms as they went limp. "Loki." My eyes fluttered and he drew back from the bite, continuing to rut like a beast.

My brain was foggy as if I took some drug that made me high with pleasure. I couldn't think, I was like a rag doll that could feel every thrust, hear every grunt and growl.

"Mmm." He sunk his teeth in the mark again and everything turned wrong, I couldn't breath, my heart pounded, my cunt clenched his cock, my eyes shut and my whole body shook. "Mine." He emptied his seed into me like a firetruck hose. "Mmm."

Loki laid down on me and wrapped his arms around my shaking body. My heart burned, my breathing was short but kept me alive.

Everything was to much, my body felt like someone injected me with oxytocin and dopamine.

"Tigress?" Loki's voice was the least importance to my brain right now. "Little tiger?" I turned my head to him and inched my eyes open. "Willow?" Loki frowned. "Are you alright?"

"Aaammm." I breathed.

"Darling, what is it?" Loki turned us around like how we always finish the anger therapy. "Just relax." He pulled the blanket over us. "Relax, little tigress."

My eyes fluttered closed. "Loki." I mumbled.

"Yes?" He wrapped his arms around my shaking figure.

"The bite." I moved my arms around him like a sloth. "It's to much."

"What bite, darling?" Loki brought his hand to my hair.

"Frost Giant." I opened my eyes. "My shoulder."

Loki pulled the blanket down to look at my shoulder. "What is that?" He sat up but kept an arm on my back to hold me close. "Did I do this?" He ran his fingers over the teeth marks and veins. "I don't remember."

"You were in your true form." My head falls forwards onto his shoulder. "It... it was to much. The bite."

"What happened?" Loki laid back down.

I moved my head sideways and Loki brushed my hair out of my face. "The bite made me go foggy. Everything.... Everything I dont know what it's called." I wrapped my arms around him. "It made me feel to good. It was to much." Tears started to leave my eyes. "My heart burned and I couldn't breath."

"Shhh, calm down and relax." Loki soothed. "I understand."

"It was like I was paralyzed." I cried. "It was to much."

"Go to sleep." Loki started to massage my scalp. "Rest now, little tigress." He soothed.

My crying stopped as if on command and my breathing went back to normal. "What is the mark?" I tilted my head to look at him. "It's not healing and it's growing veins."

Loki looked at it. "I only learned about my Jotun heritage a year ago." He looked back at me. "I dont know."

I looked away. "Whatever it is it enhances whatever hormones go through the body when I.... You know." Loki hummed. "Can you dress me please." A green shimmer dressed me in a nightgown. "Thank you."

"Go to sleep. You've done well." I shifted on his lap. "Mm, tigress watch yourself." Loki stilled my hips.

"Sorry." I shivered at the feeling of his cock still sheathed inside me. "Why do I fall asleep like this every time?"

"Do you not like it?" Loki rubbed my back.

"No, it's fine. I was just wondering." I pulled the blanket more around me.

Loki hummed. "I feel your cunt throbbing on my member as you sleep. It settles me down." My lips formed into a smile. "It seems you like the control you have on me."

"It's nice to have a little of the control while you have most of it and more." I yawned. "When will you be back?"

"I will have my men bring you when they come to pick me up. It will be two days at most." I hummed. "Go to sleep now."

"Will you get mad when you are away?"

Loki sighed. "I seem to always get angry, I can't control the scepters powers."

"Mmm." I hummed. "Where are you going?"

"Germany. That's were I will find the eye. Then I plan on being captured by you're friends."

My eyes snapped open and I sat up. "What?"

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