Our Bonds

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I moved my hips on him to start him up again. "Take me to the bed."

Loki's head rose. "Right away, my Queen." He smirked.
His cock remained rigid as he carried me out of the bathroom, plopping our naked bodys onto the bed. "Can you dry us off?" A green shimmer completely dried us. "Thank you."

Loki lowered against me. "You're welcome." He kissed me as he started to thrust again. "You're still so tight." He chuckled.

I smiled. "You do realize you were gone for four years right?" He smiled. "I love your eyes." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Your skin... do these marks mean anything?" I traced the raised marks.

"Norms, I love you." He thrusted faster, lifting my legs to his hips.

"Uhh... Loki." I moaned as he went faster. "Do-Do- Uh." I pulled him in for a kiss. "I love you."

He rocked his hips into me as if he was riding a galloping horse. "I love you too.... Mmm." Loki groaned into a kiss.

"Oh, my god." I moaned as he rolled his hips, his cock bumping against my cervix before he slowly pulled out. His thick erection tugged my walls with him like a baby sucking on a pacifier. "Loki." I kissed him. "Go faster." I whispered.

"Is that what you want my little minx?" I nodded. "As you command." Loki lowered himself closer to me, resting his elbows beside my head while he pumped his cock faster in and out. "Does that feel good my darling?" He went faster.

"Yes." I breathed. "Oh, God." His cock sent pleasure through my whole body. "Uhh." Loki brought his thumb down to my clit and started sending more pleasure. "Uhh... Loki."

"Cum for me my darling." He went faster.

"Bite me." His eyes glittered in his carnal desire. "I want you to bite me." I turned on the cold temperatures. "Claim me for yourself."

Loki grinned and leaned down. "As you wish, my Queen." He bit down, I climaxed. It came so unexpectedly; I didn't even feel it coming before the last second. Whimpers and quiet moans escaped in the aftershocks of pleasure.

Loki rutted into faster like a beast. "You are mine, Willow." He pumped his hips frantically, my whole body shuffling up and down the bed at his forceful impacts. "I will only have you, forever." He bit again and once more my back arched as I milked his protruding cock.

"Uhh! Loki!" My body shook with the addition with his rough pounding. "Slow-slow...Uh!" I turned on the cold more to help him along. "Come with me, Loki." I panted.

Lokis thrust became fast, hard and sloppy. "Uh... Willow." He groaned and bit down again, releasing his and my climax's yet again. "Norms!" He held me close to him, planting his cock as far in my sex as he could. His seed flowing into me as his girth grew bigger inside of me.

"Loki!" I gasped and tried to push him away. "Stop!" In all my experiences, I'd never felt him stretch and grow so much. "Loki!" It hurt, the fullness, pleasure sizzling in my core as it spread my cunt wider. "It hurts!"

His seed was still filling up my sex like a non stop firetruck hose. "Willow." He said softly.

"Loki." I cried. "You're hurting me." I tried to push him away.

He sat up and looked at me. "What?" His brows furrowed. "What's wrong?" He wiped my tears. "Darling?"

He moved and hissed. "Ow!!" I held him closer. "Don't move."

"I don't know what is happening." Loki said softly. "I'm sorry, I never did the research on my kind." He held me close as he rolled me on top and moved so he was leaning against the headboard. "Are you ok?"

"It's... You're...." I cringed.

"I know. I... I don't know what's happening." He rubbed my back. His seed was still flowing into me.

"Loki." I hugged him. "What's happening?" I tried to move but it was like his manhood was stuck inside me.

"Hhuu- sensitive. Don't move." He settled me back down on his lap. "Please, let it finish. I'm so sorry. It's almost done." Loki breathed and closed his eyes. "I've never felt this way. This is...." His seed stopped filling me. "Are you ok?"

I shook my head. "It hurts. My.... My stomach too."

Loki's hand slowed to a stop on my back. "Sit up for me darling." He helped me sit up without hurting us.

I sucked in a breath. "Loki." My stomach was stretched out some from all of his seed. "What?... Why?.... How?.... This is...."

Loki rubbed it and I flinched away. "I'm so sorry." He said brokenly. "It seems I have no control over myself either way." He held my hand. "I always end up hurting you."

"Loki." I cooed and lifted his chin. "I'm fine. It is just pain. I've had worse in life." He nodded. "I will forgive you if you learn from your problems and mistakes... You need to research about your kind."

He nodded. "I will go to Vanaheim and Alfheim to look in their libraries." I smiled. "I think it has shrunk now."

"Tell me if it hurts." Loki nodded. I lifted myself up slowly as felt as his cum leaked out of my overused sex. "Mmm." All the pressure flowed out of me. "I hate you so much." I chuckled.

"Do you never care about anything." Loki smirked. "All this and you still joke?"

I shrugged. "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." I smiled. "Instead of worrying about what I cannot control, I use my time to see what I can create." I pecked his lips, Loki smiled.

"You are amazing and I can't believe I have got you for myself." He kissed my hand. "I never want to let you go."

I smiled lovingly. "Even if you did you don't have to worry about me leaving." I leaned in and brushed my lips against his. "I am yours forever and nothing can make me leave you." I kissed him.

"I love you." I pulled away and sat back down on his member. "Mmm." Loki smiled. "Never enough, huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "We always end this way. We aren't doing it again."

Loki looked down and rubbed his hand over my flat stomach. "Is it bad I liked seeing you round." Loki's brows furrowed for a second. "I'm-I'm sorry." He took his hand back. "That was rude of me. I'm sorry."

My brows furrowed. "What do you mean?" Loki looked up at me with guilty eyes. "Oh, Loki." I held his hand. "Maybe in the future but... We just ended a universal battle and we aren't even married yet."

Loki nodded. "I know." He said sadly. "Would you even..." He looked into my eyes like he didn't want to ask the question and hoped you knew what he was going to say.

"I would love to carry your children." He smiled. "But there is one rule."

He kissed my hand. "What is it, darling?"

"I have to have twins first." His eyes widened. "What?" I smiled. "Twins are adorable. I wouldn't mind triplets actually."

Loki lashed out and hugged me tightly against himself. "I love you. I love you so much. I don't deserve you. I..." He leaned back with me against him. "I love you." Tears of happiness spilled from his eyes.

"I love you too." I kissed his shoulder and relaxed into him.

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