Stomach Bug

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(I'm going to be sick.) I walked fast to the bathroom with my lips together. I opened the toilet seat and spilled last nights dinner into the bowl. (Oh,my god.)

Other than what happened the other night I didn't feel sick at the least. But I do feel tired most of the day, maybe it's because of the bond and Loki is not here. Or maybe I somehow got narcolepsy and ate something bad last night.

"Mmm, that was gross." I flushed the toilet and walked over to the sick to wash down the taste and brush at least five times. "Well Hello beautiful." I smiled at myself and began the morning routine.

A navy blue long sleeve cotton shirt and black sweatpants is what I chose to wear. It was comfy and the shirt was thick enough so I didn't need a bra, my breasts were a little sore. I still felt a chill and my heat was already turned on, but wasn't really helping. All I could do was warm the air around me or something covering my skin, heating the skin directly is a no-no.

My hair was in a messy bun and my sneakers slipped on as I walked out the door. Breakfast was being served so the hallways weren't crowded, this is the time I usually go down. Not to early so there is traffic and not to late, is there even is a late, I kind of live/work here.

"Willow." Raven waved at me as I walked over. "You look, not to good." She frowned.

I sat at the table with Raven across from me as Logan to my left and down a little. "I'm fine, I just feel cold." I started to pile my plate. "Is there strawberries."

"Here." Logan handed me the strawberries and I beamed. "You seem to crave strawberries." He chuckled.

"You have no idea." I scooped a serving spoonful onto my plate. "So any classes for you today?"

Logan nodded. "Yea, History is this afternoon and Combat is-." He looked at his watch. "Now." He deadpanned and sat his mug down. "I guess I'll go." He stood up. "Do me a favor Willow. Go see Jean for a check up, something smells different."

(Did I not brush my teeth enough?) I nodded and he walked away.

"Are you feeling alright?" I nodded. "Don't lie. Tell me what is happening." Raven set her fork down and crossed her arms.

"I'm cold almost all the time. I'm tired, my body is sore, and this morning I threw up. I think I have a stomach bug." I filled my mouth with strawberries and pancake.

"What part of your body is sore?" I raised a brow. "Tell me." I pointed to my chest. "You're breats?" I nodded and shoved my mouth again. "What else?"

I put my hand to cover the sight of food. "That's it; dizziness, sore, cold, sick." I shrugged and dropped my hand.

"Hungry?" I shrugged. "We need to see Jean." She stood up. "Come on, we can eat later."

"Ok, hold on." I shoved another bite into my mouth and grabbed a couple sausage links. "I'm coming." I walked after her.

"Do you know how long you've been experiencing the tiredness?"

"Maybe since we went skating." I ate the sausage. "Everything just suddenly happened yesterday. I think it's just a bug." She nodded. "Why?"

"We'll see what Jean says" We walked further down the hallways to the medical room where Jean should be. "Jean?" We walked in.

Jean looked up from a small girl with a skinned knee. "Hello Raven, Willow." I waved. "Just give me a minute."

We walked to a bed while Jean finished with the little girl. "Sit down." Raven directed.

I sat down and waited, fiddling with my fingers until Jean came over. "What seems to be the problem?"

I opened my mouth but Raven spoke first. "Willow here has been feeling tired, sick and she is sore up here." Raven circled her chest. "She needs to know what is effecting her."

Jean smiled and nodded. "Let me just check." She walked to my side. "Lay down, Willow." I laid down. "Now, I am just going to run my hands over your body. If you are uncomfortable just tell me."

"Ok." I looked up to the ceiling.

Jean placed her hands on me, slowly moving them around until they moved to my stomach. "How long have you been feeling this way?"

"Everything started the other night. It was just tiredness but once I got to my room I started to get cold. Then this morning I got sick." She nodded. "Is it a stomach bug?"

Jean smiled. "You could say that but it isn't nice to call what you have a stomach bug." She looked at Raven and nodded, Raven smiled. "When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?"

My brows furrowed. "What?" (What is that supposed to mean?)

"When was the last time you had sex?" She asked again. "Was it around 5 weeks ago?"

"No, it was three. When Loki and I came back-." Jeans brows furrowed and ran her hands on my stomach again. "Why are you asking this?"

"You sure it wasn't 5? Did you have sex with anyone before the battle?" I shook my head. "Are you sure. Maybe before you disappeared?"

"No. Loki left for four years before the first battle. I never... you know, with anyone else." I sat up. "What are you getting at Jean?"

She removed her hands. "Willow you are 5 weeks pregnant." My eyes widened. "Are you sure you didn't have sex before Loki came back?"

"I didn't. I... No, you know how I was." I looked around the room like a crazy person trying to process new information. "I could barely leave my room." Jean nodded. "Am I actually pregnant?" I looked back at her.

She nodded. "Willow... You have twins." My body, soul, and mind froze at the word. "You need to learn more about Loki's heritage. They are growing at a fast rate." My statue-like self nodded slowly. "They are at a 5 week mark but you said it was only three weeks ago that it happened."

"He went to research about his kind." I said slowly. "He is Jotun, a Frost Giant. Could that be the reason why I always feel cold?"

"Most likely. They could be effecting one another. I don't know about Frost Giants but I am guessing the cold effects them." I nodded. "Then I don't want you going outside. If one of them starts to get cold the other night also great cold. Your body won't be able to stay healthy if that happens."

"I'll take her back to her room." Raven said and rubbed my arm. "Come on, Willow." I looked at her. "I'll make you a nice cup of tea and you can lay in your bed under the covers."

"I-... I don't know the first thing about being pregnant." I looked at Jean. "What do I do? Should I eat more? Or... Is there pills or something to take? Protein shakes or something?"

She chuckled. "Yes but I think you need rest for now. I have no idea how the medication will effect Jotuns so we will do this the natural way." I nodded. "Since there are two your symptoms will be stronger. Obviously tiredness, nausea and vomiting and emotional ups and downs. It will get hard but I'm here if you need me."

"Thank you." I stood up.

"We will meet every week to check up since the growth rate seems to be faster then human. I also need to check they are both healthy, twins tend to be greedy sometimes." She smiled.

"Thank you, Jean." I smiled back. "I'll see you next week then." She nodded, I turned to Raven. "I'm ready." She smiled and we headed back to the room.

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