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"Guys. Don't freak out but Willow and Loki have a surprise." Tony announced as we walked into the room.

They all turned to Loki and I and as if rehearsed they all opened their eyes at the same time in shock. Loki walked ahead of me, I shielded myself until we got to the couch and I sat down while Loki went to fill a plate.

"Hey guys." I said shyly. "Um... So turns out when Loki left with Thor I was pregnant... with twins. I'm 3 months but they are growing faster then a human baby since Loki is Jotun." Loki walked back over and handed me a plate of food as he sat down.

Everyone kept quiet, an unbearable silence. "Come on guys." Tony pipped in. "Willows having a kid, two kids."

"Congratulations Willow." Steve spoke first.

"Do you know how Jotun fetuses will effect a human?" Bruce asked.

Loki fed me a grape. "I have to research. I brought books back with me if you wish to join." Bruce nodded.

"So you're having alien babies?" Sam raised a brow. Bucky raise a brow as well but at Sam for the comment. "Are they going to like..." He motioned something bursting out of my stomach.

"God no." I cringed. "They are babies not parasites."

"They do feed off of you." Nat deadpanned, everyone looked at her with a judgmental look. "What? I'm not saying they are I'm just saying they feed off the mother."

I smiled. "God, Nat." I chuckled. She smirked and sipped the beer bottle.

"If they grow fast inside the womb how fast will they grow once they are born?" Clint asked with worry for me. "You are also mortal. I couldn't imagine watching my children age fast then die while they are thousands of years young."

Everyone looked at me with pity. "Um." Tears glazed my eyes. "I was hoping Loki would find some answers in his books. I mean they live long so maybe..."

Loki grabbed my hand. "When I grew up I aged fast until I was mature enough to walk and form sentences. By then the aging slowed down to one that would last thousands of years." Loki rubbed his thumb over my hand. "As for her age. I have offered Willow the chance to become immortal along with me if that is what she chooses."

"She can become immortal?" Bruce leaned forward.

"Brother." Thor said quietly. "Mortals can not become immortal unless they have eaten the Golden Apples of Idun. The ones destroyed on Asgard."

Loki smirked. "While I paraded around as Odin I took a visit to Goddess Idun." He shrugged. "She didn't question the Allfather."

Thor smiled. "Mischievous as always, brother."

"Are you going to except?" Nat asked. "The apple of immortal?"

I looked around the room to my team, friends, family... all looking at me with sad eyes.
(I would watch all of them die. Everyone, even the mansion, everyone will slowly grow old and leave. But I would have Loki, Thor and all the kids I will birth.)

"Yes." I finally broke the silence of my thoughts. "Yes I plan to. I'm sorry."

"Why are you saying sorry?" Tony raised an eyebrow. "I mean I'm jealous but definitely wouldn't want to live forever."

"You have immortal kids on the way and Loki who makes you the happiest I've ever seen you before. It would be foolish not to except." Clint said with a smile.

I smiled and wiped my eyes. "Thank you.... Ok. Enough of this pregnant emotional mess." I chuckled and straightened myself. "How have you guys been the last three months. Sorry I didn't stay in contact. Thing kind of went... out of worldly." I rubbed my stomach.

Losing Everything To A GodWhere stories live. Discover now