Im His

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When we got back Loki and I walked up to my room. Professor X went to take care of the new/old students who appeared. Logan and Bobby helped too since they were part of the five year gap.

I walked in first and stepped out of my shoes and to the bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower since I went through two battles." I turned on the shower. "If you want you can shower after me." I grabbed a towel and washcloth then started to take off my clothes.

"Alright." Loki called from outside the bathroom.

I walked in the warm shower and wetted my dust hair. "If you are bored you can read a book or watch TV!" The shower door opened. "Loki." I covered myself.

"Yes, darling?" He said innocently. "I wanted to make sure you were ok." He smiled and stepped in, vanishing his clothes. "May I." He pointed to the shampoo bottle.

"Um, alright." I grabbed the bottle and handed it to him.

"Wet your hair." I went back to wetting my hair as he poured the shampoo in his hands. "Come here, my love." He smiled.

I smiled and walked over to him. "You don't have to." He turned me around.

"Shh, I missed you." He started massaging my scalp as he washed my hair.

"Mmm." A shiver ran through my body. "I missed this. You, my hair."

Loki chuckled. "I missed this too." He kissed my shoulder. "I must apologie again for staying away that long." I hummed as a response. "I promise you there was no one else. You were the only one on my mind. I just... I chose revenge and the throne over you. I thought that was what I wanted but..."

I turned to Loki. "Will you ever chose something above me again?" Loki shook his head. "Then that is all that matters."

Loki smiled. "You're amazing... Thank you." He lead me back under the water to rinse away the shampoo.

"I tent to live for the future not the past." I smiled and closed my eyes as Loki ran his fingers through my hair. "This feels good."

Loki kissed my lips. "I'm glad." I smiled. "Do you not like the heat? You tend to use more on the cold side." He picked up the wash cloth and soap.

"I like both but the cold seems to win more then the heat." Loki ran the soapy washcloth over my body. "I guess we are a perfect match."

Loki smiled. "I guess we are." He kissed me again as he ran the washcloth over my breast. "Can we?"

"Are you for once asking permission?" I chuckled. Loki smiled, I kissed his lips. "Yes." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me onto his hips. "I hate you."

He backed me under the waterfall of the shower onto the wall. "I love you too." He grabbed his manhood, his cock lined to my four year untouched entrance. "Willow." Loki moaned as he entered. I gasped at the girth of his length I have seemed to forget. "I love the way I effect you." He smirked and thrusted into me.

I kissed him as I tugged on his hair. "Don't forget the effects have on you." I smirked and his eyes went wild. "Have you forgotten?"

"Most certainly not." He growled. "But want this to last." He nipped my neck as he thrusted slow and hard. "I want to take my time. I want to pleasure you."

"And what if I want you to go hard?" Loki's eyes snapped to me. "What if I want to pleasure you."

He blinked in confusion. "But you don't have to. I am no longer under control of the scepter. I can handle my Jotun side, but you have never experienced what I could give you."

I reached beside me and turned the water off. "I have, every time I've experienced you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and ground my hips into him. "Do you want to take it slow?" I looked into his eyes.

Loki looked into mine. "What do you want?"

"You." I turned the cold on and Loki's eyes widened. "Turn for me."

"I can't control-."

"But I can." I turned it on more. "Let's see what happens if you voluntarily change. Maybe you won't forget what happens."

Loki shuddered as I got colder. "Darling-." I kissed him. "What if I-." I kissed him again. "I can't just-." My lips stopped him from talking and he looked at me as I backed away. "Alright."

His skin turned the beautiful blue with lighter blue accents and his eyes turned blood red. "Beautiful." Loki smiled. "See, you are already in control." I moved my hips. "This is you, Loki. And I love this, the real you."

"I love how you are always truthful with me." He stared at me and slowed down his thrusts to a stop. "Willow?" Loki cleared his throat. "Will you..." His eyes showed so much love and fear. "Would you...." He looked down.

I lifted his chin and kissed him. "What is it Loki. Do you want it colder?" He shook his head. "Is something wrong?"

"No, it's..." He brushed the wet hair away from my cheeks. "Nine years ago I met you under the worst circumstances." He locked his eyes to mine. "Six years ago I wished to ask you something but... I was to late and..." He blinked and looked away for a second. "Willow Wright, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

My breath hitched, body tensed, and heart sped up. "W-What?" I searched his eyes for a trick or lie.

"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on." A tear left my eye. "You make me happier than I ever thought I could be and if you let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way."

My mouth opened but no words came out. Loki's face turned to worry the longer I stayed silent. "I am mortal."

Loki smiled mischievously. "I know." My brows furrowed. "While I was in Asgard parading around as Odin I took something from the Goddess Idunn. She gladly gave it to her King with no questions." Loki smiled softly. "If we were to marry, you could, if chosen, become immortal as I am."

My eyes widened slightly. "Immortal?" He nodded. "I... What about my life? My friends?"

Loki frowned. "They would grow old." Loki said sadly. "You do not with to watch that do you." He looked so broken. "I would still like to marry you even if you weren't immortal. I just thought... With our bond I just..." He looked away.

(This is breaking him and my heart hurts for it. If I accept this everyone I know will grow old and die. Old friends and new friends I will watch they leave me.)

Loki smiled sadly. "It's alright, Willow. I understand, I would still be happy if you were mine for the next years to come."

(He's lying, he will ruin himself. I love him, I've never loved anyone as much. He's the first of everything; first time, first kiss, first love, first I let close after my parents. He's my first and only, and I am happy because of him.)

"Willow?" I blinked out of my thoughts. "Will you?" He searched my eyes. "Please."

"How will I know you won't leave me." Loki's face fell. "What if you fall out of love with me and I'm once again alone."

"Darling." Loki said hurt. "I've experienced you disappearing before my eyes, in my hand." A tear left his eye. "I can't handle living like that again but unless you stay with me for the rest of your life. I love you, never as much as anyone else except my own mother."

I smiled. "You promise?" He nodded. I kissed him. "I'll except both of your proposals." I kissed him again.

He leaned back with wide eyed. "Both?" I nodded, he smiled. "I love you and I always will." He kissed me again, pressing me into the wall.

I moved my hips on him to start him up again. "Take me to the bed."

Loki's head rose. "Right away, my Queen." He smirked.

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