Abandoned My Life

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"Darling." He hugged me. "I'm so sorry." He held me tight as I stood there like a statue while the battle went in.

I pushed away from him, refusing to look in his eyes. My eyes were flying everywhere except for him as I backed away.

"Tigress?" I turned around and started battling again. "Willow?" He killed aliens that got close to us. "Please, talk to me." I killed through the watery vision. "Darling?"

I hates him, I hates everything. He tricked me, he hurt me. He promised he wouldn't hurt me. He promised... He.... He's dead, he's supposed to be dead. This isn't real. I mourned! I killed myself with grief! I was hurting when he was alive and well! All this time! How long! How long has it been since he left?! Four years?!

He... He abandoned me! "Ahhhhh!" I fell to my knees and the ground below me turned to fire and the aliens cremated before my eyes.

I hated myself, I let myself open up when I said I wouldn't. This is all my fault, I got attached. I made myself vulnerable!

I stood up with fury, anger, hatred, pain welled up in the glare of my eyes. "Willow?" Everyone with a sense ran away from me as I walked towards the enemy.

"Willow." Each step sent the fire ablaze even more and the aliens couldn't get close without becoming ash. "What's going on with her?"

Something from the ground broke the Earth like a mole. "Darling!" Huge metal wheels towered over me. "Willow!"

"Rrrraaahhh!" I melted the wheel so it would no longer spin, falling to the ground like a spinning coin.

"Willow." He ran up to me. "Please. I'm sorry." I looked at him finally. He had tears in his eyes and it softened my mind. "I'm so, so sorry. I never meant to be away from you for this long."

"But you were." I burned the aliens who came close to us. "You abandoned me." Loki's face softened in sorrow. "You died. My mate died." Loki's eyes widened and I walked away.

"Guys, we got a Vision problem here." Sam said.

Loki ran back up to me. "Darling?" He said softly. "Willow. Let me explain."

I turned to him with a glare that made him back up. "You are either dead...." I walked towards him. "... or you abandoned me." Aliens started to focus on me. "I opened my heart, my life. I told you I had a fear of abandonment and you left. I thought you dead but here you are. FOUR YEARS LATER?!" A metal disc melted to the Earth.


"Don't you DARE call me darling!" I growled. "Do you even know what I've been though?! Have you done any research on what you have dont to me." I pulled down my shirt to show my mark. "Do you know what this does?" Loki face softened with guilt. "Ah." I stopped walking towards him like a predator. "You do..." I chuckled.

"Willow." Loki stepped towards me. "Faking my death was the only way to get out of the dungeon."

"Oh? And what did you do once you were out? Because I certainly did t head or see you. We're you with those FINE Asgardian women you talk about?"

"No!" He snapped. "I have never stopped loving you. I was blinded by my hatred. I banished my father to Earth and took the throne. I was angry and it lead me to leave you here while I ruled Asgard."

I chuckled. "Angry. That's your excuse?" I walked away. "I'm angry." I chuckled. "I'm the only one that deserves to be angry." I continued killing aliens but not as strong as before. My anger dissipating with the conversation.

"Everyone on my position. We have incoming." Cap ordered.

I started to walk to Cap, burning aliens as they began to thin.

Loki ran up to me. "Darling I want you to stay back. I can't have Thanos get you." He grabbed my arm.

I swung around forcing him to release me. "Unlike you I don't abandon people." I seethed and continued walking. "They haven't abandoned me and I won't abandon them."

Loki stepped in front of me with a expression full of fear and worry. "Please. I beg of you." He cupped my cheek. "I can not lose you."

"What? Like I lost you?" I said softly. "Loki, you left, you died. I mourned you and I still am, every moment of the last two years I felt empty. I was forced to live." Loki's eyes glazed with tears. "You made me not want to live, Loki. You hurt me, you promised you wouldn't and you did."

"I-." Loki sucked in a breath. "Let me make it up to you." He rubbed his thumb over my cheek. "Please. I love you, I've always loved you."

"To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. No matter how much they mark you as theres... they will only hurt you in the end." I removed his hand from my cheek. "I gave you a chance, you broke it."

Loki wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry. Please. I'm so sorry. I love you. I will never hurt you again." I melted in his arms. "I never stopped thinking about you. Every moment I though of coming to see you but I was pretending to be Odin. I was selfish and angry at him and the throne I couldn't have."

I backed out of his arms. "You had me, all of me. I have everything to you, and you chose a throne." I reached up and grabbed ahold of the necklace I kept around my neck for so long. Loki watched me with huge eyes of fear. "Some people have this idea that love is supposed to last forever. But love isn't like that. It's a free-flowing energy that comes and goes when it pleases. Sometimes, it stays for life; other times it stays for a second, a day, a month or a year." I broke the necklace off. "I've lived my life hiding away from love." I grabbed his hand. "You showed me that there was no fear." I put the necklace in his hand and closed it. "Then you showed me how much pain and suffering comes from it."

Loki looked at me like I have felt for the last two years. "Willow." I backed away. "No."

"I can't anymore, I really can't." He stepped towards me. "Please stop." Tears welled in my eyes. "I love you, but I can't hurt like you've hurt me."

Loki's lips pressed together. "Please." He choked out. "Just give me one more chance, just one. I swear on my mother I will never leave you. You will always be first."

My heart aches. "Loki." I said softly. "I need time. I've spent years as an empty vessel. I just need time."

Loki nodded. "I understand."

I smiled. "I wish I could hate you." A tear slipped my eye. "It would be so much easier and so much less painful."

Loki walked up to me and grabbed my hand. "I promise you I will never let you get hurt again. I will always be by your side." Loki kissed my hand. "You're everything that I ever dreamed of and everything I will ever need. I'm sorry that it took so long for me to figure out."

"I hate you." Loki smiled. "This stupid mark, it is taking my free will of my emotions." I chuckled. "I hate you so much. I really do."

Loki cupped my cheek. "I love you too." His eyes widened as my skin turned to ash and I floated away from his fingers.

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