The Mansion

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Before we left I snagged a pair of crutches so Loki didn't actually have to carry me the whole time. But he did stay by my side in case.
I can see how he blames himself since he was the one to bring the war. But I know the secret, it wasn't fully him and whoever it is he is scared of.

Professor X was his usual quiet self, unless he invade my brain to keep me from giving up and hating myself for my leg. He has always been there for me, a constant rock to hold me down.

We made it to the mansion, which was in full swing since it is the school season. "It's just as I remember it." I smiled.

"There's a lot of children." Loki's brows were raised.

I stood out of the vehicle with my crutches. "It's a school. Xaviers School for the Gifted Youngsters."

"We take in mutant children, teach them how to control their abilities. We also have normal curriculum that makes this a well rounded educational institute." Charles wheels up to the door. "I will be in my office if you need me."

I turned to Loki who was still looking at everything. They children disappearing and reappearing, that one girl phasing right through the doors. "I never knew Midgard had a place like this."

"Where is she?!" Hank boomed.

I looked to the doors. "Hank!" I crutches over. "You're not hiding."

He came down the stairs. "No I am not. How are you? I haven't seen you for two years." He hugged me.

I rubbed his back. "I'm doing good. Fought a war, lost a leg. You know how it is." He pulled away and looked at Loki who had wide eyes. "This is Loki, he's here to see where I grew up."

Hank leaned over for a handshake. "The names Hank."

Loki shook his hand. "Loki. You don't hide your natural form?" His brows furrowed.

Hank chuckled. "Not anymore. I have no reason to. It also sets a bad example to the kids, shows them that it's fine to hate your true selves." Hank shrugged.

"Is Raven here?" Hank frowned. "Eric again?"

"Yes." I frowned. "She will be fine."

"I was hoping to see her." I shrugged. "It's fine, let her live her life defending our kind." I turned to Loki. "Ready for a tour?"

Loki came to my side. "I would love one." I smiled.

"I'll let you two lovebirds go." My cheeks heated up. "It's nice to see you happy, Willow."

"It's nice to see you as yourself, Hank." He smiled and ran back up the steps and in the mansion. "Ready?"

"Yes. I never expected this." Loki helped me up the steps. "You lived here?"

I nodded. "I couldn't control my powers as a kid, emotions affect them greatly." I almost tripped on a step but Loki caught me. "Thanks. My parents begged the Professor to take me in and keep me." I chuckled. "I was there burden that they could no longer handle."

"They are imbeciles to leave you." Loki growled.

"No, they were scared. As a child you can't really control your emotions well. They almost died several times, my mother was pregnant. I understand them now that I am older." We reached the top step. "Parents are just people that do stupid stuff for the right reason."

"They abandoned you."

"And were you not?" I stopped and looked at him. "Were you not going to push me away so I would leave you in the battle?" Loki frowned. "People do things because they think it's best. It's just how we are." I continued crutching down the hall.

"I'm sorry." Loki walked back to my side.

"It's fine. I understand. Just please don't leave me. If you do don't come back."

Loki stopped me and turned me to him. "I won't leave you. I promise." He brushed his thumb over my pinking cheeks. "You're cute when you blush, Tigress."

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, more things to show you." I turned away and started walking. "Logan!"

Logan turned to me. "Is that Willow?" He smiled and walked over. "What are you doing back in this dump?"

I smiled. "Just visiting. Are you still teaching History?" He nodded. "You old fart."

He rolled his eyes. "You're still the same." He scoffed. "Who's this?" He eyed Loki.

"Hello, I am Loki of Asgard."

Logan raised a brow. "He's from another planet."

"Uh-Huh. Got it." Logan looked back at me. "What he doing here?" Logan froze for a minute, like a private conversation in his mind. "Oh, I see." He smiled at me.

I groaned. "Professor?" Logan nodded. "Of course." I sighed. "Now your going to-."

"Of course." Logan's claws came out and Loki's eyed them. "These can cut through merely anything." He lifted them in front of Loki. "Especially the people who think they can hurt my friends." He retracted them and smiled at Loki. "It's nice to meet you, Loki."

Loki turned to me. "You're friends are very protective." I smiled, Loki turned back to Logan. "Do not worry. Willow will come to no harm."

Logan straightened. "I would hope not." His eyes traveled to my shoulder, brows furrowing then eyes snapped to me then Loki.

"Well, we better go." I broke whatever that was. "Many other friends to threaten him and many rooms to tour." Logan nodded. "Come on, Loki." I crutched around Logan with Loki beside me.

"You seem to mean a lot to this place."

"I was raised here since I was 5. They all watched me grow up. They are my family."

"Why haven't you visited for two years?" Loki helped me walk up the stairs.

"I dont know. I know they would never abandon me but I still fear it, I just thought if I stayed away it would hurt less if it happened." I shrugged. "Plus SHIELD got pretty busy."

"Do you feel that way about me?" .... "Willow?"

"I don't even know what you are, what we are." I stopped and turned to him. "This started as you... you know. And it changed into what we have, but there is no.... I dont know and now I lost a leg and you don't want a disabled morta-."

Loki grabbed my neck and forced me into a kiss. His other arm wrapped around me to keep me stable as I went limp in his arms. I abandoned the crutches and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I will never abandon you." Loki promised. "You are mine and no one else's."

I frowned. "I can't do that to you." Loki's brows furrowed. "A God, immortal, and a Human, a mortal.... You will watch me die." I unwrapped my arms from his neck and steadied myself with his arms. "We can't do this."

Loki's face softened. "I rather spend a life of happiness watching you grow old then a life of darkness without you."


Loki brushed my hair behind my neck. "Something has attached me to you and I don't know what it is."

"It's the hormones." Loki smiled. "Oxytocin tends to have a bonding effect." I smirked.

"I don't think it's the oxytocin." He brought his lips down to brush them against mine. "I just... I wish to court you." My heart leaped. "If you'll have me."

I pulled away. "The kids will be changing classes soon." Loki frowned. "We should continue this somewhere other than the middle of the stairwell."

Loki softly smiled. "I guess it would be bad if we were trapped in the bustling children." My crutches appeared by my side. "Shall we?"

I smiled. "Yes." I started to crutch towards the room I called home.

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