Milk Bad

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(Bacon? Why am I smelling bacon? Maybe I am still dreaming, what a wonderful dream.)

"Tigress?" Something rubbed over my arm softly. "Wake up, little tiger."

"Mmm. What?" I opened my eye an inch. "How dare you wake me from my slumber." I smiled.

Loki softly grew a smile on his face. "I have breakfast ready. You need to eat since you missed dinner." He moved the blankets off.

"No." I whined and tried to reach for the blankets. "Meany." I yawned and stretched. "If I turn ugly because you interrupted my beauty sleep I'll come after you." I warned and sat up.

Loki rolled his eyes. "Come and eat the food before it grows cold." Loki held out a hand.

"If you didn't take me powers I could heat it up in an instant." I took his hand and stood up. "Did you dress me?" I looked at the flowing silk nightgown.

Loki lead me to the table. "Yes and no." A green light traveled over my body leaving a nice and cozy cotton dress.

"Woah." I gasped. "I've seen you do it to yourself before but that was amazing." I sat down across from Loki. "All of this?" My eyes widened.

My plate had scrambled eggs, two pieces of toast with jam, three pieces of bacon, and two sausage links. A glass of orange juice, water and a hot cup of coffee with the sugar and cream on the side.

"Yes, as I said you missed dinner and I believe lunch from yesterday. Unless you ate before I showed up." He deadpanned.

I picked up my fork and knife. "I had a sandwich and a bag of chips." I stabbed my fork in the eggs shoved it in my mouth. "It's so creamy." I smiled. (Best eggs I have ever tasted.)

"I hope you would like it." Loki smiled.

My eyes widened. "You made this?" I grinned.

Loki nodded. "I have knowledge of cooking. My mother made sure I wasn't a spoiled son. She made me take cooking lessons."

I smiled and ate more eggs. "How did you make them so creamy?" I smirked. "What's the family secret recipe."

Loki chuckled "It is definitely not a family secret." I ate more eggs. "Just as you described it. I added 1 tablespoon of milk for every egg."

My smile dropped and I stopped eating. "And how many eggs are in this?"

Loki frowned. "Three... Why?" I set the utensils down. "What's wrong."

I cleared my throat. "Im lactose intolerant." Loki furrowed his brow. "I'm... I'm allergic to milk." I accented the K.

Loki's eyes widened. "Why did you tell me?" He pulled the plate away. "What happens when you consume milk?"

I scratched my head. "Stomach pain, nausea.... diarrhea." I covered my face. "But I only had three tablespoons I should be fine."

Loki pulled my hands away. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Build a bathroom door." Loki smirked. "Ugh. This is so embarrassing." Loki chuckled. "Don't laugh at me." I pouted.

Loki brushed away my hair. "Don't worry, I could never make fun of you." I smiled. "How about you skip eating the eggs and focus on the other food."

"Ok." He smiled and sat back in his seat. "You didn't inject the sausages with any dairy products right?" I smirked.

Loki pushed the plate back to me. "No, I can assure you the eggs are the only think with dairy."

I smiled. "Thanks." I continued to eat. "What about you? Have you already eaten?"

Loki nodded. "I woke up early to watch the progress." He crossed his arms.

"And how's the progress?" I asked shyly and stuck a piece of bacon in my mouth.

"For their second day it is all I can ask for from you mortals." He scowled.

My brows scrunched. "Don't make fun of us mortals."

Loki scoffed. "How could I not? You all are pathetic and primitive."

I set my utensils down in a I'm disappointed way. "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." I crossed my arms.

"The fish is stupid to begin with." I glared at him, Loki sighed. "Just eat your food."

I picked up a piece of toast. "I'm also one of those pathetic mortals along with all of my friends and family." I crunched the toast with my teeth. (I wonder what Loki has done with Clint.) "Can-Can I ask you a question."

Loki nodded. "You can always asks me questions. Be warned of how I will act."

I glanced at my plate. "How's Barton?" I cleared my throat. "He's like an older brother and mentor to me and I just wanted to know if he is alright." I looked back at Loki.

"Barton is fine." I nodded. "So is his family."

My eyes widened. "You know about them?! Please don't bring them into this."

Loki glared at me. "I would never tough a woman and her children. Don't think so low of me."

"Sorry." I crunched my teeth into my toast. "What about all of the woman and children that will die because of you?" Loki's face fell. "We might be pathetic creatures but we never give up. We are like a virus, you might kill us but we fight right back. You will cause a war, and there are always casualties in war."

Lokis jaw clenched. "You should stop while you have a chance." His eyes warned me of what will happen if I continue.

"Sorry." I wiped the crumbs off my fingers. "Thank you for the meal. You are an excellent cook." Loki took the plate and vanished. "Cool." I deadpanned.

(I wonder why the scepter effects him. Maybe it's the 'magic comes with a price' kind of thing.)
I stood up and walked over to the row of books.

I smiled at what I saw. "I knew it." I picked up one of the many volumes of Shakespeare. "I could smell it on him." I chuckled.

"What could you smell, tigress?" I spun around and almost bumped into Loki's chest.

I looked up at him. "I'm not a profiler but I knew you had a Shakespearean vibe going." I chuckled.

Loki smiled. "Do you also enjoy Shakespeare?" I took a step back from his chest.

I shrugged. "It was part of our school curriculum to read this for literature. It's good, I wouldn't say my favorite. The script is in old English which doesn't flow nicely when I try to envision the story in my mind."

"What is your favorite book?" Loki took the Shakespeare play and put it back in the shelf.

"Well, it's a series of books, Harry Potter is my favorite. Then there is Percy Jackson, Chronicles of Narnia, Hunger Games. Actually all of those are book series." I chuckled. "I like fantasy adventure type."

Loki smiled. "I shall get one of my men to purchase these books for you."

My eyes widened and I waved my hand to stop him. "No it's fine. I can just read what you have here."

"Nonsense, you will be here for a while, alone, and I don't want you to grow unhappy."

I smiled. "Thank you." Loki smiled back. "But maybe just the Harry Potter series for now. Maybe when I finish one book you can read it, then we can talk about what we think."

Loki smiled. "That would be nice."

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