Chapter 1

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Alphas have a powerful and imposing scents.
Omegas have a sweet and alluring.
Betas scent: hardly detectable and faint.


Skeppy - Blueberry
Badboyhalo - Sweet strawberry
Dream - Cinnamon and apples
George - Lavender
Sapnap - Fire wood
Karl - Honey

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The alarm went off at 7 a.m. it's a Friday. Darryl sighed and turned off the alarm, saying, "ugh, another day forced to exist in this stupid and unjust world," he got out of bed and started stretching his body. Afterwards he went to the closet choosing his clothes before going to the bathroom to complete his morning routine. After taking a bath, he dried himself off with a towel and put on his favorite black hoodie with red lining, some skinny jeans, and his Converse after finally clothed he brushed his teeth.

When Darryl went downstairs as he took a step, a creak in the floor sounded, waking Rat who was sleeping on the couch. Rat ran to Darryl and jumped up and down, wanting some pets, which Darryl happily provided. He then went to the kitchen and gave Rat her food.

Darryl then made some pancakes from scratch for breakfast because he prefers his to be somewhat sugary and with a trace of cinnamon. He heated up a pan on the stove, added the butter once it had melted, added the pancake batter, flipped it when bubbles appeared, created four pancakes, put them on a plate, and ate them with copious amounts of syrup.

At eight in the morning, he locked his house, took his heat-suppressants and scent-blockers, filled Rat's food and water bowls, and then proceeded to his car. He headed to his office. As soon as he arrived inside the building, his coworkers began congratulating him on another successful investigation that resulted in the closure of another drug laboratory. He had been successful in closing many illegal businesses, many of which were owned by the Diamond Mafia.

Darryl then entered his office after greeting his coworkers lash friend Karl, the boss's assistant, and George, a hacker and coder who had just begun working there. They spoke briefly before departing for their respective workstations.

Let's go to Skeppy

In a fit of rage, Skeppy slams the table again while yelling, "That annoying stupid bitch of a detective Badboyhalo did it again. Not only did he bring down another of our Drug laboratories, he literally picked the one with the biggest production capacity. When I get my hands on that bitch of a beta, I'm going to rip him limp to limp."

Dream says "Reassure yourself, Zak, I'm going to find him. All I have to do is hack their station's server to find out who he is, and once we've established that, we'll set up a murder scene and when he arrives, we'll just catch him."

Dream just grinned and exhaled after witnessing his friend and business partner calm down as Zak chuckled and grinned and added, "Huh that's an awesome Idea Dream."

Zak asked, "ahh and did Nick oversleep again?" Dream responded, laughing, "yes he played bed wars until 3am. I bet he played on full screen again and lost sense of time. " "oh certainly. welp Bye skep must head to my businesses see ya friend."

Zak mockingly said, "Yep see ya dweamy," Dream just chuckled, "Yeah yeah see ya diamond dip shit," and Dream slammed the door. Skeppy just rolled his eyes and went to his office to finish some paperwork.

Zak thought to himself, "That idiot detective is going to suffer for damaging many of my businesses."

When Zak's phone got a call, Vurb's name appeared on the caller ID "Yo Zak, the new laboratory is now ready, and Spifey and Finn are en route there."

Good, now just make sure everything goes without a hitch, Zak grinned, and Vurb said "Zak, of course, bye for the moment."

Call ended

Back to Darryl

As the workers had their one-hour lunch break, Darryl came out of his office and asked George and Karl, "Hey guys, want to get Chipotle?" Karl said, "Woah, that sounds so amazing right now," to which George answered, "you bet."

The Three then went to Darryl's car and drove to Chipotle where Darryl parked his car. They had decided to dine in rather than use the drive-through or get takeout. They ordered Their food, paid, and then sat down at a table. Then George started a conversation.

George asked before placing food in his mouth, "So Darryl do you want to party later you know It's more like a celebration for another successful investigation." "Well yeah I think our supervisor hasn't assigned a new case for me yet," Darryl replied while drinking his coke.

"Excellent, Karl, are you in?"

"Heck yeah, I'm in, isn't this going to be really fun?" George inquired. Karl responded enthusiastically.

Darryl yelled, "Language you muffin head, and also good we're going to have fun I haven't had alcohol in forever now." Karl and George giggled because they enjoy watching Darryl get angry and use profanity. "Ok good, Yeah so uhm you guys want to uhm wear skirts later?" Karl muttered.

Darryl paused for a bit before responding, "Of course that would be amazing, I actually like wearing skirts anyways," in response to George's comment, "Well, I guess that would be fun, how about you Darryl?"

"Heck yeah the gay squad are going to be badass bitches at the party later " Karl grinned and said, earning a glare from Darryl. Darryl just sighed and let it slide. They had a few conversations while they ate their lunch and then left to go to the office.

They parted ways and went to their respective workstations when they got there. As Bad was sitting and scrolling through Twitter on his phone, he heard the door open, and it was Techno, his boss. Techno is an alpha who is somewhat understanding and kind; although he may appear intimidating, he is actually a really caring and amazing boss. He pays omegas, alphas, and betas the same amount of salary appropriate for their line of work, and he also believes that everyone should be treated equally.

even though techno doesn't give a damn about your second gender, that doesn't mean bad should just come out and say he's an omega. it was for his own safety. while his job as a detective is already risky, it's ten times more dangerous when mafias are trying to kidnap you and sell you into the black market. yes, his identity as a detective is unknown to the general public, but he could literally just be walking down the sidewalk and get kidnapped.


[ Currently in re editing process, if you see chapters that doesn't have good grammar it's still unedited . ]

I hope my writing skills have improved, and I hope you enjoy my new writing style.

And once again, lol
Because English isn't my first language, please bear with me, and feel free to fix my grammatical errors and awful spellings, because I'm terrible at spellings, so yes, feel free to critique my grammar and spellings in the comments, because it will undoubtedly enhance my writing skills.

And, as usual, eat, sleep, and drink plenty of water because you deserve it.

My Little Detective - SKEPHALO Mafia Omegaverse AuWhere stories live. Discover now