(Chapter 18)

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I can't believe just thank you ahhh

(Anyways enjoy the chap☺️ don't forget to vote if the chap was ok)
"Use your words puppy", Clay replied in a seductive tone

⚠️(SMUT warning)
(This is my first time writing smut so I'm sorry if it's horrible 😐)

"I want this master, I want you inside of me ,ruin me,fu...fuck me until I couldn't walk" George responded, Clay was so turned on from what George had said, he looked at thee small brunette under him, then began to harshly remove the brunette's shorts and boxers

Clay bit his lips harshly suppressing a moan as he saw George's member and thighs completely hair less, George looked at Clay who's eyes was filled with lust and hunger, George gulped as he didn't knew what he just signed up for, George then returned his gaze back to the ceiling, then his eyes widened as warmth surrounded his member, then pleasure ran throughout his spine and nerves,

Clay then began to swirl his tongue on the tip of George's dick, making George grab a fist full of bed sheets then moaned loudly, this was his first time so he was losing his mind from the pleasure, Clay continued then fully took George's member in his mouth then started bobbing his head back and forth, making thee brunette moan, Clay smirked then started groaning intentionally, sending vibrations to thee brunette's cock

George moaned then pushed his head back even more on the pillow , as vibration was felt on his dick and spine, he was breathing heavily while Clay was licking and swirling his tongue on brunette's dick George felt a warm feeling as a knot was forming on his stomach, he then said", hmmm, c...clo...close" George said out of breath then grabbing a fist full of Clay's dirty blond locks, George was about to cum and Clay knew it,Clay then waited for the last second, then pulled away while a string of saliva still connected on George's member, he looked at George who whined and was breathing heavily"wh..why d..did you sto.. stopped?" George asked while panting

Clay smirked," not yet puppy wait till I allow you, and if you cum without permission you'll get a punishment got that?" Clay said with a dominating tone, George just nodded then layed back down, Clay then kissed George lips then immediately slipped his tongue without a warning, George eyes wideneds but melted to the kiss, Clay began to explore George's mouth touching everything, Clay then pulled away as strings of saliva fell on George's face,

Clay then went back in position then spread George's legs apart, then looked at thee brunette then asked," Are you really ok with this baby?", George blushed at thee nickname then said," yes, and make me scream your name master", Clay bit his lips as those words were music to his ears, Clay got up and went to his night stand then pulled a drawer open then retrieved a bottle of lube it surprisingly was new, George smirked knowing Clay was well prepared, Clay then sat between thee brunette's spreaded legs

As he opened the bottle then lubed three fingers, George exhaled from his mouth as he was preparing, his breath soon hitched as Clay pushed the first finger in, it wasn't that intense yet, but his eyes widens as he let out a small moans as Clay then pushed the second finger in,

"Your so thight Georgie", Clay said smirking, George didn't had the chance to reply as Clay started scissoring and spreading his fingers inside George, George was moaning as Clay pulled it back and forth, it felt amazing the pleasure was just enough it was just right, but that soon changed as Clay sticked in the third finger, George moaned loudly as pleasure was now five times more intense

Clay smirked while enjoying the view of the small brunette looking like a hot mess, and the echoing moans from thee brunette was just music to his ears, George was really enjoying the intense pleasure from Clay fingering him but he soon wined and looked at Clay who was removing his clothes, then asked," wha.. why di.. did you stopped?", Clay smirked
,"Don't ya want the real deal Georgie?," Clay said seductively, George blushed and closed his eyes, as he opened his eyes Clay finally took off his boxers and his hardened dick sprang out

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