Chapter 8

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After 15 minutes, Nick arrived, and Clay directed his employees to the meeting room, where the meeting began. "OK, so the first step of the plan has already been completed, and that was obtaining the identity of detective Badboyhalo," Clay said, passing the picture of Darryl to the people in the meeting, who all nodded and Clay continued.

"Now that you know his face, the second step is to go on a killing spree within this day, and make sure to leave a fire sign and a smiley face on the victims body," Clay paused for a moment inspecting if everyone is listening and continued, "so then it would be assigned to Detective Badboyhalo, step three kill one last person and call 911, and once the authorities leave the scene, his definitely going to show up and investigate the scene, then step four capture him and give him to Zak."

Nick simply stated, "OK great plan Clay, now let's get that bitch," to which Clay simply chuckled and grinned.

After the killing spree, Time Skip to the next day at 10 a.m. on Sunday.

The three crack heads were screaming at the top of their lungs while singing Crybaby by Melanie Martinez. Darryl felt his phone vibrate and took it out, raising an eyebrow when he saw it was Techno, and went out the room to answer the phone call.

"Hey Darryl, I apologize for interrupting your Sunday, but could you look into the killings that occurred just today? It has the symbols of fire and a smiley face, so it is definitely connected to the Diamond mafia."

"Of course I would love to," Darryl said, but deep down he doesn't because he knew the diamond mafia was on to him, as he brought down many of their illegal businesses, including the auction a few days ago.

"Okay good," Techno said, continuing, "the latest crime scene is in West Valley St at an Alley way, the police have already taken the body and left, so the crime scene is all yours to investigate."

"Ok I'm on it boss, I won't let you down," Darryl said confidently. "All of your investigations were a success, plus you're our best detective, you're definitely going to solve this within a few days, ok bye for now," Techno replied.

Call Ended

Darryl simply sighed and went to inform his friends of his new assignment. They all grumbled but concurred. Darryl then drove to the office to get some equipment before arriving at the crime scene. As he entered the alleyway, he sensed that something bad was about to happen and that he might be being watched, but he just shrugged it off. He then went to the spot where the body had been and noticed that it had chalk marks.

When he reached for his magnifying glass from his sling bag, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, fell to the ground, and saw a tall man wearing a porcelain mask with a black smiley face, then his vision darkened and he passed out.

Time Skip 4 a.m.

Darryl awoke with a pounding head ache, he groaned, he opened his eyes but only saw a black cloth, he began to scream but it only came out muffled, he realized his head was in a cloth sack and his mouth was filled with a cloth, he tried to move his hands but they were cuffed from the back of his seat, he squirmed and moved but it only made the cuffs pierce his skin, making it sting, and he hisses in pain.

After a few minutes, Darryl stopped flinching and simply accepted that he couldn't get away. However, as soon as he heard, "Skeppy your going to love our gift for you," his eyes widened.

When he then overheard laughter, questions such as " Skeppy? Is the diamond mafia holding me captive? Is this the last day of my life? I don't really understand what's the purpose of living, so I might as well." flooded his mind.

Darryl's eyes widened when he heard "So Skeppy I present to you Detective Badboyhalo," and he yelled in his head, "Skeppy is Zak?, Wha what?" as the cloth was removed from his face and Zak was standing in front of him.

My Little Detective - SKEPHALO Mafia Omegaverse AuWhere stories live. Discover now