Chapter 14

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Nick awoke at 8:28 a.m., rubbed his eyes, then opened them, he was then confronted with the sleeping brunette who was between him and Quackity on the bed, he smiled and admired his beautiful and adorable face, he knew it would be a challenge to make Karl warm up to both of them, he could use force or kindness or maybe a mix of both, he was still debating on what to use however just thought of a mix of both.

He was currently looking at the ceiling when a very sweet honey scent was released, which made him look where it came from, he was confused, why Karl's sweet faint honey scent turned into a sweet and strong honey scent, he didn't really know a lot about omegas heck he doesn't even know that scent blockers exist, he sat up on the bed then looked at his night stand and saw his phone, he grabbed it and unlocked it then called Clay.

Ring ring ring -"Hello?, dude Nick it's so early let me fucking sleep," Clay grumbled.

Nick responded, "I know I know, I just have one question", Clay then said, "OK what is it?" Nick then responded, "so is it normal for a beta to suddenly have a very sweet and intoxicating scent?", Clay chuckled, "of course not only omegas have a really sweet and intoxicating scent, well if that happens it's just an omega on scent blockers who hadn't taken one for the day". Nick fell silent, while Clay immediately recognized what was happening and teased, "so is Karl an omega huh?".

Nick then realized what Clay had said and responded, "I guess so", Clay said excitedly, "well then you just hit a jackpot my friend, Ok I'll be sleeping now and I think George is still asleep so anyways bye" Call ended, Nick just looked at Karl then smirked"Quackity's going to love this", Nick then woke Quackity up, which made Quackity furious, but then calmed down when Nick explained about Karl being an omega, Quackity simply smiled and said, "Wow, I can't believe Karl's a male omega, OK, I'll just cook breakfast for the three of us." Quackity then exited the room and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Karl awoke groaning from his pounding head headache, and when he opened his eyes, a wave of instant fear filled his body, Karl looked around, and Karl's eye landed on the smirking alpha on the end of the bed, Karl immediately backed away, then fell off the bed with a loud tud, Nick then came closer to Karl while Karl was backing away even more, and Karl's back hit the wall, forcing him to stop.

Nick knelt down to Karl and smirked, "hey there Iill fella, so I just have two simple rules," Nick said, creased Karl's left cheek, then continued, "so first rule if you disobey me or Quackity you'll get a punishment, but second rule if your a good boy we'll be kind and we'll treat you really nicely, so I suggest for you to behave and be a good boy."

Karl was terrified to say the least, but he was also filled with rage, so he said in an innocent submitting tone, "OK, I'll take your suggestion *tone changed to spiteful* and I'll shove it in your ass." Karl then gave Nick an amused look, which irritated Nick.

Nick was filled with rage and slapped Karl's left cheek with the back of his right hand, Karl felt an instant mix of pain and stinging from the contact of Nick's hand to his left cheek, Karl held his left cheek with both of his hands in shock, but Nick wasn't finished and punched Karl in the stomach.

Nick smirked at the sight of Karl regretting what he said, then whispered to Karl, " misbehave again and I'll give you a pusnish ten times worse than that, so your going to follow my orders lill fella? " Nick said, Karl just nodded while still crying.

Karl just nodded as Nick picked him up, wrapping Karl's legs around his waist, placing Karl's hands around his neck, placing Karl's face on Nick's scent glands, and placing Nick's hand on Karl's butt and back for support. Nick continued " Don't worry, I know you'll fall for both of us soon enough." Karl initially thought Nick's scent was very calming and liked it, but then he recalled Nick's prediction that Karl would fall in love with them.

While Nick was carrying Karl to the kitchen, Karl was thinking, "tsk..fall for you my ass," and then made a mental note that he would never fall for both of them. Karl then began to look around for an exit, and while he was surprised by how nice the hallway looked, he just shrugged it off and continued to look around for any possible exit, Nick already knew what he was thinking.

Nick said, "If you're planning to escape or try to escape, you're going to regret every life decision you've made because of what punishment I'll give you, so don't even bother," Nick said in a threatening and dominant tone, to which Karl simply gulped and nodded. Nick smirked and patted Karl's brown locks, saying, "good boy."

They arrived at the kitchen where Quackity was preparing bacon, eggs, and waffles, and while Quackity was cooking, Nick placed Karl on a chair next to him, and Karl asked with fear in his voice, "Do you guys know where Darryl is? And what happened to George?" Nick replied, "I'll answer if you kiss me on the lips," Nick then smirked, Quackity was listening to music on his airpods, so he couldn't really hear them, Karl said in a low tone " no".

Nick crossed his hands and said, "I guess you'll never know." Karl was just so enraged at that point but held it back because he doesn't want the alpha to be angry. Karl just nodded as he sighed and kissed Nick's lips. Nick smiled and said, "Good boy, ok so Darryl is with Zak his ok, and George is with Clay who's probably simping for George already."

After Quackity had finished preparing breakfast, they ate it. The majority of the time was spent in silence, but here and there, Quackity and Nick had brief conversations.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and if you did, please remember to vote.

Since English isn't my first language, please excuse any grammatical and spelling errors. I greatly appreciate your understanding.
The feedback that would point out my errors, as it would undoubtedly help me become a better English writer.

Eat, sleep, and drink water as usual because you deserve it.

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