Chapter 3

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Darryl started to get a little tipsy, and yes, he had consumed five vodkas after the two tequilas, but he was still in the right mind. The three of them were giggling from their conversations when Karl said, "Hey bitches, come let's fucking dance," and George just giggled while Darryl muttered, "language." Darryl then said, "Ohh, we did came here to have some fun, come on, don't sit there Gogy." He finished standing up.

Darryl was about to pay for their drinks when George insisted on paying, and he let George pay, well not really because an argument was about to break out because Darryl wanted to pay, but George just said "we're celebrating, for your accomplishment, okay?,please just let me pay for this," George said in a soft but loud tone Darryl just sighed and said,"fine," George then paid with cash and they went to the dance floor to dance.

Darryl was dancing when someone grabbed his behind. He looked back and saw a male alpha with a grating grin. Darryl rolled his eyes and left, moving to the other side of the dance floor. He continued dancing and witnessed George and Karl getting wasted and downing an entire bottle of alcohol.
He simply sighed and realized that he was undoubtedly driving them home. Darryl had a sense that he was being watched so he looked around but dismissed it shortly after.

Let's go to Skeppy

Skeppy continued to watch Bad from the booth and thought to himself, "his mine and mine only his going to be my mate," He was daydreaming of what the future may hold for his future lover and him, he snapped back into reality when he saw an alpha grabbing thee brunette's ass, he was furious and pressed something on his apple watch, then a guard came to him, he then pointed his index finger to the disgusting alpha, the guard just nodded making a grin grow on Zak's face.

Skeppy smirked seeing the alpha getting handled by his guard, knowing what was about to happen Zak sighed in content, and after a few minutes his phone made a ding noise, he took out his phone and unlocked it, he then went to imassage and opened the latest message he grinned mischievously, at the picture of the alpha whose throat was sliced open, and blood spewing out.

"Good now throw it in a river," he texted back. He then turned off his phone and motioned for someone to arrive. A woman approached and asked, "What is your request, sir?" Zak replied icily, "Cara see that Brown haired boy right there. Get him and bring him to me." Cara nodded and headed to the dance floor. She then approached the brunette and said, "Hi my boss would like to meet you. He doesn't take no for an answer, so best to just oblige".

Despite his confusion, Darryl followed the lady to the VIP booth where she instructed him to sit in front of her boss. Darryl nodded as she walked away, and he then felt uneasy.

On the other hand, Skeppy was complimenting the brunette in front of him on his cuteness and adorableness and asked, "Hey Cutie, what's your name?"

Bad asked, "D.. Darryl, how 'bout you?" Darryl stammered on his response.

Darryl said, "Uh Zak and how about I'll call you Derry thats sounds much cuter, don't ya think cutie?" Zak responded with a smirk, and Darryl blushed. The two then continued their conversation before Zak drew nearer to the brunette, cupping his cheek with his right hand and placing his left hand under his chin. Zak was admiring the brunette's piercing green eyes, which were so beautiful that he could get lost in them within a daze.

Zak then took a sniff and realized the brunette was a beta. He did wonder why the brunette's scent was a little sweeter than the normal beta's scent, but shrugged it off because he loved the brunette's scent, which was a faint strawberry scent.

While Zak drew closer and closer and closed his eyes, Darryl was a blushing mess who had practically turned into a tomato. Darryl was about to say something but his eyes widened when Zak and him kissed; he enjoyed the kiss because it felt right and he wanted it to last forever, he was brought back to reality when Zak asked for an entrance, which Darryl gladly granted, Zak explored every inch of Darryl's mouth and left nothing untouched, Darryl began to release some muffled moans which turned on Zak, and after a minute of kissing they pulled apart but still connected with a string of saliva, they began to breathe heavily from the long kiss, Zak then looked at the flustered brunette and simply admired the sweet soft lip he just abused.

As Zak's looking at Darryl lovingly Darryl on thee other hand thought that it would only be a one night stand, that Zak only wanted sex nothing more nothing else ,but Darryl did wanted to stay because the blueberry scent from thee alpha was calming and nice, but after a few seconds he pushed Zak and ran down stairs and got his drunk friends, then paid for thier drinks and left, Zak was confused and told his gaurds to get the brunette ,but It was too late Darryl already drove off.

Darryl's mind raced with questions like, "Would we have done it if I hadn't run?" Was he a good alpha at all? ,or why would he want someone like me at all? Darryl began to cry but was still able to drive to his house safely. He dragged sleeping George and Karl out of the car and let them sleep in the guest bedroom, he was still tearing up a bit while brushing his teeth, and when he layed down on his bed, he eventually fell asleep from, the burning sensation of salty tears streaming down his cheeks.

While Darryl was crying, Zak, on the other hand, was enraged, saying, "ohh that little beta thinks he can escape me, let's see about that," he smirked.


Sorry if the chapter is poor quality, but oh well. Leave a vote if think it was ok.

Because English is not my first language, please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors. The comments that would correct my errors, as they would undoubtedly help improve my English writing skills.

And, as always, eat, sleep, and drink plenty of water because you deserve it.

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