Chapter 10

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Once again, Zak was the first one to awaken. He kissed Darryl's cheeks and creased them. When Darryl stirred and opened his eyes, Zak said, "Mornin Derry," in a deep morning voice.

Darryl blushed and he said in his thoughts, "that was hot, Wait wha... Well, he is pretty handsome*blushed*. Handsome yes, but with extreme anger issues." Zak just chuckled and said, "Come on Derry, it's time to take a bath." Darryl blushed slightly and nodded, extending his arms. Zak then picked him up and carried him to the bathroom in the same position as before.

After setting Darryl down on the toilet seat cover, Zak turned on the faucet to the tub and waited till it was filled enough with water before turning it off and adding bubbles. When Darryl said, "Turn around, Zak," Zak was somewhat disappointed because he wanted to see the brunette's soft, pale skin, but he didn't argue. He turned around and Darryl began taking off the hoodie and sweatpants, after which Darryl said, "I'll just take off my boxers when I'm on the tub " Zak simply nodded before turning back around.

He was really turned on when he saw the brunette in boxers, and when he saw the brunette's soft pale and hairless thighs and his perfect and soft pale chest, which he just wanted to paint with red and purple hickeys, he was on the verge of losing control. He just wanted to rail the brunette at that point, and he wanted to rail him so hard that he couldn't walk for a week. He also wanted to hear Darryl's moaning and he desperately wanted the brunette to scream his name out of pleasure, but he had to restrain himself. Instead, he told himself, "I want to gain Darryl trust, no, I need to gain my Derry's trust."

Darryl waved at Zak and said, "Zak hello Zak you there?, I need to take a bath," before Zak came to his senses and said, "Ohh sorry I was just thinking of something." Darryl smiled and extended both of his arms, and Zak lifted him into the bathtub before setting him down in the bubbly tub. He then went to get a fresh towel and some clothes for Darryl.

Darryl was finally finished and was now dressed and with new bandages on his wounds. Darryl and Zak were laying down at the bed when Zak asked, "hey Derry, do you play Minecraft?" Darryl looked Zak in the eyes with sparkles in his eyes and said, "why do you? Darryl asked in a curious tone,Zak chuckled,"of course I do want to play bed wars?" ", Zak responded, and Darryl nodded and said, "yes."

Zak got out of bed and left the room, returning with two laptops. He opened the laptop and gave Darryl a laptop, Darryl then signed in his minecraft account, after a few moments later it was done, they entered hypixel and played bed wars teamed up, they won the first game and cheered, they then won five more times and lost, they then continued a few more, Zak started to get irritated because of Darryl's obsession with heal pools, "What the fuck, Darryl, don't waste our diamonds on heal pools when we're not even doing defense, and heal pools are useless," Zak said.

Darryl responded, "Healing pools are the winning strategy and language you muffin," to which Zak simply rolled his eyes. They then continued to argue like an old married couple, until they had enough when they lost again.

Darryl then said, "You're so mean, I'm not talking to you anymore," Zak raised an eyebrow and said, "Ohh, I'll just order Dominos and eat it by myself then," he then proceeded to tease Darryl even more and jumped out of bed.

Darryl said, "wait no, I want pizza, we haven't had breakfast yet, please I'm sorry," and then made the puppy eyes. Zak's heart melted at that point after seeing,those magnificent emerald green eyes shine and fill with sadness, and combined with a cute and adorable face,was enough for Zak to say yes to anything the brunette asked. Zak was taken with how adorable the brunette was and chuckled before returning to Darryl and creased his cheeks and said, "your literally so adorable," Zak then kissed Darryl's forehead, and Darryl blushed.

" I was just teasing you" Zak said looking in Darryl's eyes with a smile.

Darryl was a blushing mess as Zak picked him up in bridal style and led the way out of the room, but he kept telling himself that he didn't love Zak despite the fact that his stomach would literally burst with butterflies whenever Zak kissed him on the forehead or cheeks. They then arrived in the living room where Zak sat next to the brunette and Darryl rested his head on his shoulder.

They opened Netflix and were enjoying themselves when the elevator dinged, and a maid came in and placed the food on the coffee table, Darryl thanked her, and she bowed and smiled before leaving and entering the elevator, Darryl then snuggled closer to Zak for warmth, omegas bodies do not produce much heat, so they are always cold.

Zak just smiled, knowing the brunette now trusts him more, then he heard the most beautiful thing ever, Darryl purring he never thought it was true, that omegas pur when they are content, he smiled even more, then got some pizza and gave one to the brunette.

They then ate the food while watching the movie, and Darryl thought, "huh, he really is a softy, well, I can't forgive yet for what he did to me, but this is a start, and he did say he's not going to hurt me again," Darryl then smiled and savored the moment with Zak.

When the movie ended, Zak stood up and cleaned the coffee table, then threw away the boxes and cups, then put the leftovers in the fridge, Zak smiled as he remembered what had just happened earlier, Zak then went back to the brunette and was about to sit down but...


Then gunshots were heard from the first floor, and the alarm went off.
Screams could then be heard.


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Because English is not my first language, please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors. The comments that would correct my errors, as they would undoubtedly help improve my English writing skills

And, as always, eat, sleep, and drink plenty of water because you deserve it.

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