Chapter 9

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The brunette shifted a little when Zak woke up, making him smile. He looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was 10:24 a.m. He got out of bed, walked over to where the brunette was sleeping, and kissed his cheeks. He then went to the bathroom to take a shower, and when he was finished after twenty minutes, he brushed his teeth.

He spit out the remaining suds and was already dressed in a sky blue hoodie and some gray sweatpants when he heard a loud tud sound coming from the bedroom, followed by the sound of the closet door opening and closing.

When he came out of the bathroom, he was perplexed as to why the strawberry scent from the brunette had become so sweet and strong; he liked it but was perplexed as to why because last night it was faint but now it's very strong, he smirked, "I guess Derry didn't tell me he was an omega; I guess I need to be soft and nice to him," he thought to himself.

Let's go to Darryl

Darryl awoke feeling terrile, his entire body hurting and his head heavy, but he did feel comfortable on the bed, but when he opened his eyes and saw the room, he remembered that he had been captured.
Darryl tried to move his feet but it only hurts, he took off the comforter and guphed at the sight of his destroyed knees, he dragged himself off the bed, fell and made a tud sound, he dragged himself to the closet, stretched his arms and reached the door nob and opened it and went inside.

Back to Skeppy

As Zak turned the door knob and entered the closet with a soft smile on his face and an understanding expression, Darryl began to shake as Zak approach him. Darryl said, "Please go away; everything hurts," in a broken and dejected voice.

Zak then thought back to the monster he had been just a few hours earlier. He had no idea why he had hurt the small omega that he loved, and questions like "Why did I even do that?" flooded his mind.

" Was it a result of my rage? or was it just that I enjoy seeing people suffer? I need to take care of him and never hurt him again, he thought to himself."

Darryl was literally about to pee his pants out of fear of being tortured again when Zak kneeled down to him and put his right hand on the brunette's chin to get him to look up. Darryl then cried out in an extremely broken voice, "Pl.. please don't do that again," and Zak felt his heart break at the sight of the brunette.

His voice was incredibly sweet and soft as he said, "Ok now shhh I won't do it again I'm sorry, I was carried away of how you left, and caused millions or actually billions of dollars with damage considering you brought many of my business."

Darryl simply nodded, stopped crying, and began to sniffle. Darryl nodded as Zak said, "Okay, now come on, let's eat breakfast." Darryl felt a little bit at ease knowing that the scary alpha has a soft side as well as the terrifying and murderous one he had seen earlier. He just needs to obey him at all times because he doesn't want to revert to his darker side.

Zak picked up the brunette, knowing he couldn't walk, and Darryl placed both of his legs around Zak's waist, his arms around Zak's neck, and his face on Zak's scent glands. Zak was holding under Darryl's thighs for support with his right arm, and he had his left arm wrapped around Darryl's back. When Darryl smelled Zak, he immediately relaxed to the soothing blue berry scent that was just right.

Knowing the brunette enjoys his scent, Zak grinned and said, "Derry, do you like my scent?". Zak said in a sweet but playful tone, which caused the brunette to become agitated and flush deeply. Darryl stumbled over his words and said, "I'm sorry," to which Zak responded, "It's okay; I'm glad you like my scent."

When they finally arrived at the elevator, they pressed the first floor and used their cards to enter. Darryl only nodded in response to Zak's response as they reached the first floor after hearing a ding.

They arrived at the kitchen and Zak sat Darryl down, with Zak beside him. Zak pressed a bell, and the butler began bringing out food, which included pancakes, waffles, omelettes, bacon, scrambled and sunny side up eggs.

Darryl suddenly felt really hungry and remembered he hadn't eaten lunch or dinner, Darryl was about to get some food, but Zak insisted on putting it on Darryl's plate, Zak put two pancakes, two waffles, and three bacons on Darryl's plate and also put a lot of syrup on Darryl's plate, Darryl shyly smiled at Zak and started eating, they ate in silence but it was comfortable silence no awkwardness or tension.

Darryl said in his head, "maybe I could trust him?, but it's still too soon, so I think I'll just wait for a moment, and I'm not forgiving him that easily*scuffs in his mind*," Darryl was then jolted out of his reverie when Zak asked him.

"Uh hey Derry, do you want to watch a movie?" Darryl simply nodded and said, "Yeah sure but I pick the movie," he said in a worried tone with a hint of confidence,"of course," Zak said, Darryl simply smiled thinking to himself his not too pushy after all.

When they reached the fourth floor, Zak said, "uh Darryl sorry about what, I..I did a few hours ago, you don't have to forgive me," and as they exited the elevator, Darryl nodded in Zak's neck. They then went to the living room, where Zak placed Darryl on the couch and gave him the remote. Darryl opened Netflix and picked a show while Zak
Zak finished making popcorn.

Zak smirked in his head and thought it was a brave move by the brunette to watch a horror movie, but he didn't say anything because Darryl would cuddle him. If Darryl gets scared half way through the movie, Zak jumps and gets a little scared from the jump scares, he looked at Darryl who appears to enjoy the movie, he was surprised because he thought omegas were weak and easily scared.

When the movie ended, Zak asked Darryl, "Derry, did you enjoy the movie?" "Of course I did, it wasn't that scary, but the plot was nice," Darryl replied.

"I thought omegas were sensitive and easily scared." Zak remarked

Darryl replied," wait is that why you didn't said a word?, because you thought I would cuddle with you when I get scared?"Darryl said in a loud tone.

Zak mumbled," maybe," in a teasing tone and smirked.

Darryl then said confidently, "well you thought wrong caz I can handle really brutal scenes." Zak just chuckled and replied, "yeah yeah your not like other omegas," he said in a teasing tone, Darryl rolled his eyes and said, "your a muffin head," he said and pouted, "awe you look so cute Derry," Zak said.

Darryl then blushed and thought, Darryl then said, "this doesn't mean I forgive you," "I know I know you need time now let's watch another movie," Darryl smiled, after that movie ended they just decided to have a movie marathon, then when it was 8pm they just decided to sleep early.

Zak smiled as he spooned Darryl, knowing that the brunette was actually very kind and now kind of close to him. He then wrapped his hands around the brunette's waist, trying to avoid the mark of the branding rod. He then placed his head on the brunette's scent glands, and they both slept.


Additionally, I kind of don't want them to be in a toxic relationship, so yeah, I hope you guys are enjoying my book so far.

Since English isn't my first language, please excuse any grammatical and spelling errors. I greatly appreciate your understanding.
The feedback that would point out my errors, as it would undoubtedly help me become a better english writing skill.

Eat, sleep, and drink water as usual because you deserve it.

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