Chapter 16

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Nick kissed Quackity on the lips then kissed Karl on the cheeks, Karl wasn't really comfortable with it but didn't want to argue and anger thee Alpha, Nick then said,"goodbye you two, I'll be doing some business for today, So Karl behave or else" Nick said while punching his left palm with his right fist, Karl just gulped and nodded,"good, Bye you two and I love you both" Nick said while closing the door.

Quackity was aware that Nick was mistreating Karl, but he had already decided, when Clay gave Karl to Nick, that he would treat Karl with love and kindness. Quackity loaded the dishes into the dishwasher before heading over to Karl, who is sitting at the dinner table and staring down at the floor.

Quackity just sighed and picked Karl up, they were on their way to the living room when Quackity broke the silence," hey Karl are you ok me calling you baby?" Quackity asked, Karl just nodded but looked scared, Quackity rubbed soothing circles on Karl's back, then said," you don't need to agree if your uncomfortable you know" Quackity said whilst sitting down, at the couch and putting the brunette next to him.

Karl simply replied, "No, it's fine," and then feigned a smile. Quackity noticed the fake smile but didn't say anything. Quackity then asked, "So why did Nick slap you?," to which Karl reacted tensely, "What makes you say that?" Quackity then sighed and took a picture of Karl's face on his phone. Karl saw the picture and gasped before touching the purple mark on his left cheek.

Karl then said, "I d..didn't realize it actually made a mark," Quackity just sighed then asked, "Karl, why did Nick slap you?" Karl giggled, making Quackity's heart flutter from how cute Karl's giggles sounded, Karl then responded, "he suggested for me to behave or I'll get a punishment, so I responded I'll take that suggestion and*giggled*shove it in his ass".

Quackity laughed and said, "At least he didn't stab you as his first impression." Karl raised an eyebrow and looked at Quackity, who already knew the brunette wanted to know the details, "OK ok so I'll tell you how we met up." Karl smiled and then listened.

Rewind two weeks.

"Give me the money or else," Nick said as he placed the gun to Quackity's head.
,Quackity simply begged Nick not to kill him and explained that he doesn't have the money right now but will pay Nick next week.

"tsk yeah no*Chuckled* I'd rather see blood spilling down your head than wait a week for your payment", Nick smirked and pulled out a knife, Quackity was terrified and didn't have a chance to react.

As the knife pierced Quackity's right arm on his deltoid, he hissed in pain and said, "please, I really don't have the money but, I beg you, I'll do anything please." Nick smirked beneath his mask, thinking the person in front of him looked pretty hot even though his face was covered, and said, "OK, remove your mask." Quackity then removed his mask with his left hand and looked up to Nick.

Nick grinned and said, "OK, meet me at Midnight Moon bar in 2 days, bye cutie." Nick then left, and Quackity did find Nick, hot even though his face was covered.

Quackity simply blushed in response to Nick's words; two days had passed, and Nick and Quackity were now facing each other with Nick's face exposed; Quackity thought Nick was very attractive, and much hotter than last week.

The two got to know each other and chatted, they both drank and drank until dawn and they both got drunk but not so drunk that they blacked out, but they went to a nearby hotel that Nick owns, when they both got in the room Nick slammed the door then they started making out, then that escalated pretty quickly and Nick took out a condom from his pockets then they did it.

(It's a flashback, so no, I'm not putting any)

After another two days of being together, Nick and Quackity became boyfriends.

End of flashback

Karl was laughing when Quackity asked him why, to which Karl replied, "You literally had sex with the person who stabbed you two days prior," to which Quackity simply retorted, "So? He's hot, plus we switched haft way through," to which Karl was still holding his laughter. When Karl eventually stopped laughing, Quackity asked, "Want to do karaoke?"

After setting up the karaoke for a few minutes, Karl's eyes lit up, smiled, and nodded. Quackity returned the smile and added two microphones so they could both sing—well, mostly scream—together.

Quackity then turned his phone into a video camera so he could record everything. He then selected the song You Belong with Me by Taylor Swift, and he and Karl began to sing while having fun. After ten songs, however, they became weary, and Quackity stopped recording. He then packed up the karaoke equipment and put it away.

When Quackity and Karl decided to eat lunch, it was already 12:28 p.m. Quackity was frying some chicken nuggets while Karl was frying some fries as they both conversed and watched out for burning. After a few minutes, they were finished but needed to drain the extra oil because they didn't want it to be too greasy. While that was going on, Quackity prepared his dipping sauce by combining ketchup and mayo, and Karl pulled out some.

After everyone had finished eating, they just continued to have fun together the rest of the day. They played Minecraft and watched movies, and Quackity was having a great time hanging out with Karl when she suddenly realized that just a short while earlier, Karl had been extremely afraid of both Nick and him.

Karl then reflected, "Huh, I guess it's not going to be too bad, being stuck here since Quackity is pretty fun to be with, But I hope Nick's not going to pusnish me," before turning to face Quackity, who was laughing at the movie they were watching and munching on popcorn and drinking coke.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and if you did, please remember to vote.

Since English isn't my first language, please excuse any grammatical and spelling errors. I greatly appreciate your understanding.
The feedback that would point out my errors, as it would undoubtedly help me become a better English writer.

Eat, sleep, and drink water as usual because you deserve it.

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