(Chapter 28)

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Hey y'all's so I now had removed the voting page so thier will be no more obstructions, and I had now counted the votes and the winner is

"Miserable Peasant" with 11 votes on the first voting and 7 on the second while "Your All Mine" got 4 votes at the first voting and 4 on the second also it's a
Top dream

(Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter if you did don't forget to vote)
After the thirty minute drive they finally
arrived at Skymax Mall, Darryl looked out the widow and was so excited to get inside the mall, while Darryl was looking out the window Ant parked the Car and turned off the music and turned off the car, the three then got out the car and Ant pressed the keys to lock the car

Velvet made sure that Darryl was in the middle of him and Ant, so that nothing bad happens to the brunette they don't wanna see Skeppy mad because it's not that pretty, as they were still walking towards the entrance of the mall Darryl said," Can we get heat suppressants first?, I already asked Skeppy and he said yes"

Ant just looked at Darryl then replied," I just need to make sure first caz, yeah his a literally demon if his mad," Velvet looked traumatized, while Darryl chuckled awkwardly remembering what awful things Zak has done to him when his mad, but of course he had forgiven his Blueberry, Darryl wore a face mask as they entered the mall his face is all over the news now so he doesn't want people recognizing him, Ant was texting Skeppy about if he agreed that Darryl wanted to buy some heat suppressants, whilst Velvet looked around for any possible danger

After a few moments later, Skeppy finally responded with a yes and Ant told the two that thier now going to a pharmacy, they were currently walking through the mall passing by many different shops some are fast food, bakeries, clothing shops and some are phone shops, after a two minute walk the three arrived at a local pharmacy, Ant walked in to buy some heat suppressants, while Darryl and Velvet talked

Ant's number was 14 and the digital screen showed 6 it was close,but it will take a little longer so that gives Darryl and Velvet time to talk for a bit,"so how did you know Skeppy?" Darryl started the conversation he quieted down his voice so people could not hear them, Velvet replied"ohh were actually friends since like 15 but he recruited me when I was 19, because that's when he inherited the mafia thing from his dad", Velvet breathe a little Darryl knew he wasn't finished so he didn't said anything then Velvet continued," And when he recruited me he introduced me to his other friend Ant and*giggled* you know where that goes"

Darryl smiled a bit now knowing how the cute couple met," ohh ok, So you said that Skeppy is your friend so does that mean, you guys only act professional when in work but then all friendly and goofy after work?", Velvet smiled then said,"Yep we need to act professional, also if your a boss or another employee don't treat friends and family members different from other workers, because trust me they'll abuse it", Darryl smiled he already knew that from past experiences so he understood it

"Hey guys so I see you guys getting along already,", Ant said while going out of the pharmacy holding a paper bag and a water bottle,Ant then gave Darryl the water bottle and paper bag, and Darryl then then pulled out an orange pill tube labelled Heat suppressants, Darryl opened it and took one pill then placed it on his mouth ,he then opened the water bottle and drank some water,he swallowed the Water and it washed the pill down as well

"Come on let's go Zak said you need clothes, also there's no spending limit", Velvet said Darryl replied," well I could spend my own money, I already set up my old PayPal on my new phone so yeah", Ant just giggled
,"Ohh come on Darryl he literally has millions or maybe billions on his bank account so don't worry", Darryl kinda felt bad spending Zak's money but oh well he does need clothes, and Zak did insisted

"Ok I guess I do need clothes but let's eat first", Darryl replied, the two beta nodded they weren't really that hungry so they just went to Starbucks, the two beta's just ordered two chocolate croissants and coffee, while Darryl got a chocolate cake and ice coffee,the three talked and got to know more about each other, like who asked who first or how was thier first date, and how did they met Zak

After eating they left Starbucks to go to Nike, Because Darryl wanted some sweatpants and hoodies and well a few shoes, Darryl was still in the middle of Velvet and Ant who's looking out for potential danger, they were now at Nike, and Darryl is picking some hoodies and t shirts, Darryl then looked at Velvet and Ant

"Do you guys want something too?if you guys want something just get it", Darryl said happily, both of the beta smiled and said," thanks Darryl but we're working, plus your the one who's shopping today"Ant replied while Velvet nodded in agreement, Darryl then responded,"ohh come on don't worry, Skeppy wouldn't even notice, and well if he does I'll just say I insisted", Velvet and Ant smiled then said," ok ok, your literally so kind Darryl and so adorable as well no wonder you got Skeppy's heart", Darryl blushed then continued getting some clothes while the two picked some as well

After Nike they went to ZARA, and then they went on a shopping spree in different stores, after two hours of shopping they were now done, and Velvet and Ant were now carrying a lot of shopping bags Darryl wanted to carry some but the couple said they got it, so Darryl just let them, it was finally 5:40pm and they decided to now go home,they walked out the mall and went to thier car Ant unlocked the car and started it, then Ant opened the trunk

Darryl then started putting all of the shopping bags in the car then said," Can I get some help this is pretty heavy", Darryl said and sighed and made a Hoo sound, while wiping his forehead, when no one answered he raised an eye brow then said,"hey why are you guys not answering?is something wrong?" Darryl said a little confused while turning around but his eyes widens in fear

seeing Velvet and Ant unconscious on the parking lot pavement, he was about to run to them but he felt a sharp pain from the right side of his head, then he fell on the asphalt floor then blacked out

Word count...1094

(I hope you liked the chapter if you did don't forget to vote)

English isn't my first language so expect Grammatical errors and Spelling mistakes,and I would deeply appreciate
the comments that would correct my mistakes, because it would surely help improve my English writing skills 😊

And as always eat, sleep and drink water caz you deserve it☺️

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