Chapter 12

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Zak was walking down the hallway when he turned right, and he then entered a room with a metal door that says "PLAYROOM" at the top of the metal door frame. The two betas who took the alpha were in the corner of the room as Zak entered, and the alpha was in a metal torture cross with wooden tips where the hands are.

The betas bowed and walked to the door when Zak said, "Well, well, someone's still asleep, let's wake him up shall we? *laughs maniacally*".

"Oh, one last thing, can one of you, put his hands up, then line them up with the wooden tips. One beta nodded while the other left the room. While the beta puts the still unconscious alpha's limping hands up. "Good now you may leave," Zak said. The beta was a little intimidated by what Zak said and simply bowed and left the "PLAYROOM," so Zak went to the table and selected the tools he would need and placed them on a trolley.

(Skip if you're not comfortable with it; I'll say where it ends anyway.)

(Don't cry at the comments; you were forewarned.)

After placing the tools on the trolley, Zak smirked amusingly and said, "This will be fun." He then looked at the trolley and pulled out a nail gun, grinned, and pointed it at the unconscious alpha's right hand. The nail sank into the alpha's palm when Zak shot it, oozing blood, as the nail sank into the wood somewhat nailing the alpha's hand.

The alpha jerked awake, screamed in pain, and attempted to move but was restrained by his wrist and legs. As he clenched his left hand in protest, the alpha squirmed, causing the blood to splatter even more.

"Awe, woke you up from your peaceful sleep? Don't worry, you'll be sleeping forever after I'm done," Zak then said.

The alpha simply yelled, "YOU'RE FUCKING SICK," to which Zak replied, "Speak for yourself, and why thank you." The alpha then screamed in pain as Zak repeatedly bashed him with a mallet on his face and stomach, leaving him covered in bruises and with blood dripping from his now broken nose and split lips.

Then, as the alpha was screaming in pain and suffering and blood began to drip and pool on the floor, Zak grabbed a kitchen knife and said, "Okay, let's get to the fun part*grinned*". He then cut off the alpha's shirt and began making deep cuts in his chest and stomach while grinning. As the alpha began pleading for forgiveness and mercy, this only made Zak grinned and became more motivated.

The alpha began to breathe heavily, so Zak stepped back and marveled at his creation before grabbing a remote and pressing a button, which electrically shocked the alpha and caused it to tremble and shake for 30 seconds before being turned off.

When the Alpha saw Zak approaching with a butcher knife, he was terrified to death and his eyes widened. Zak then raised the knife and cut off the Alpha's left hand's haft. The hand dropped to the ground and was now covered in blood when the alpha ordered Zak to kill him already.

But where's the fun in that? Ohh how about you watch what I'm going to do next, Zak just retorted. The alpha was writhing in pain as Zak wiped the trolley table and pushed it in front of him. Blood was dripping down the alpha's entire body.

The alpha was unsure of what Zak would do, but his eyes widened in terror as Zak began to chop the hand in front of the alpha while laughing devilishly.

Okay, I'll show you a little mercy, but this is the last act before you go to sleep forever," Zak said before leaving the room and returning with three whiskey bottles and a bucket, pour the beverage in the bucket.

Then, as Zak carried the bucket of whiskey over the alpha's head and smiled cruelly, "Since I'm feeling kind today, I'll clean your cuts and bruises," the alpha closed his eyes and braced himself for the sudden rush of pain. Instead, Zak smirked as he poured the alcohol all over the alpha, and the alpha opened his eyes with an instantaneous flash of pain.

While the alpha was still screaming, Zak said, "fine fine, I'll end your misery, I don't want to seem heartless jeez." Zak rolled his eyes as he reached into his pocket and pulled out an electric lighter, opened it, and the flame instantly came up, Zak said, "It was fun while it lasted," Zak then threw the lighter to the alpha, and as the fire from the lighter touched the alcoholic beverage, the alpha caught fire burning him to a crisp.

As the alpha burned to death, Zak began recording it and said, "Damn this is so good, I'll definitely send this to Clay and Nick," before laughing.

TW comes to an end.

(Sorry if it wasn't very good; my brain is just blah rn because I have exams today; however, I'm glad I got to update.)

After Zak was finished, he told his workers to clean up the "PLAYROOM" and dispose of the body, he then went to the elevator and pressed third floor, he swiped the card and the elevator went up, it made a ding and the doors opened, he stepped out and went to the second master's bedroom, he opened the door and went inside, he went to the closet and got some clothes that he left in the room, he then went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Darryl opened his eyes slightly to see Zak stepping out of the bathroom shirtless. Darryl blushed, but Zak didn't notice it. Zak then put on a shirt and climbed up the bed and spooned Darryl. Zak then put both of his hands on the brunette's waist, and at that point, Darryl practically turned into a tomato. He was glad he wasn't facing Zak at that moment.

Zak then sighed and kissed Darryl's neck, thinking that he was still sleeping but in reality Darryl's mind was racing. He continued, "I love you Derry, I hope you'll forgive me and I hope I can be your boyfriend and mate."

Darryl was contemplating, "What should I do? Should I tell him I like him too or should I just pretend to sleep?" He then recalled the times he and Zak would cuddle up and watch movies, the times Zak would kiss his cheeks and forehead, which he loves, and his favorite memory of them kissing passionately at the VIP booth.

Zak nodded instantly Darryl just sighed and continued," ok so do you really want to be my boyfriend", Zak blushed and instantly said and removed Darryl's finger on his lips" of course I was, I really love you Darryl I really do, and I would never hurt you ever again".

He finally changed his mind and thought, "Oh well, it's not like he's going to let me out of here anyway, caz I already saw Clay, Nick, and his face, plus I do like him*blushed*".

Darryl then turned to Zak, who was about to explain but was silenced by Darryl placing his finger on his lip. Then, with a serious expression on his face, Darryl asked, "Do you promise to never torture or hurt me?"

Zak gave Darryl a loving glance and nodded, saying, "Yes, I wouldn't do it again. I'd never let my anger overtake me again, I swear."

"Sooo...Will you be my boyfriend? I'll never let anything bad happen to you," Zak pleaded as he cupped Darryl's cheeks.

It's a yes, then, Darryl said. After hearing that, Zak gave Darryl's face a kiss and a smile. Then, after receiving a strong hug from Darryl, Zak yelped, "You just made me so so so happy, Strawberry."

Zak explained that it was his nickname given to him because of his scent after Darryl recoiled in bewilderment. Zak smiled as Darryl chuckled and said, "Okay, then I'll call you Blueberry."

After yawning and saying, "Good night, Blueberry," Zak responded, "Good night, Strawberry," with a smile. Darryl then closed his eyes as Zak kissed his forehead, causing him to smile. Darryl then fell asleep right away, while Zak smiled after a few more minutes.


If the chapter is okay, kindly cast a vote.

Since English isn't my first language, please excuse any grammatical and spelling errors. I greatly appreciate your understanding.
the feedback that would point out my errors, as it would undoubtedly help me become a better English writer.

Eat, sleep, and drink water as usual because you deserve it.

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