Chapter 4

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Darryl awoke to the sun shining through the crack of the slightly opened curtain, he groaned and checked his phone, it was 8:45am, he sighed and stood up, he did feel a slight head ache, it didn't hurt that much considering he hadn't drank much the night before, but he remembered his friends chugging an entire bottle of alcohol, he chuckled at the memory and went to the bathroom, to freshen up and brush his teeth.

He then went to the kitchen and fed Rat, he was craving waffles so he made the batter from scratch and plugged in the waffle maker and sprayed it with cooking spray and then closed it, after it heated up he opened it and put some batter and closed it, after he made nine waffles he got three plates and placed three on each one and got one plate with three waffles, he then ate it with a lot of syrup as usual.

While he was eating, he heard some groaning from the stairs, then a sleepy George and Karl came in the kitchen, rubbing their temples, George saying "ugh this headache really hurts my head feels like it's going to explode," Karl just hummed in agreement, but Darryl only chuckled.

"Awe, do Gogy woggy and Kwalos have a really bad hangwover?" Darryl asked in a teasing and high pitched tone, which irritated Karl and George, to which George replied, "Is it not obvious, dumbass?"

"LANGUAGE!, and it's not my fault you two chugged an entire bottle of whiskey," Darryl exclaimed, "hey! for the record, I didn't chug an entire bottle of whiskey, ok, it was vodka," Karl replied as he sat down on the chair.

Darryl just groaned and said, "ugh that's not any better you muffin head," he stood up and went to get some headache medication, scent blockers, and heat suppressants, when he returned George and Karl were already eating waffles, Darryl gave each of them three pills, then gave them a glass of water, the two put the three pills in their mouth, while Darryl put two pills in his mouth, they drank water and swollen it. Darryl remembered what had happened last night but told himself to forget about it and not overthink it as the three of them talked while eating.

Following their meal, Darryl baked some blueberry and chocolate chip muffins, and as his two crackhead friends sang You Belong with Me by Taylor Swift at the top of their lungs, Darryl just laughed at his friends listening to their voice cracking.

Let's go to Skeppy

While Darryl was having fun with his crack head friends, Zak was enraged because not only had he lost the brunette, but his drug shipment had also been caught by the authorities, and he was also enraged because he knew that the detective Badboyhalo was also attempting to sabotage the upcoming auction, he was so enraged that he grabbed the nearest thing he could grab, which was his phone, and threw it to the flat screen tv upfront. The phone screen was shattered and the television fell off the wall and crashed on the floor. He sighed, put on an emotionless face, grinned, and snapped his fingers.

After he snapped his fingers, his assistant Cara came in and looked around, knowing exactly what to do; she then left the meeting room, and Zak went to his office and signed some paperwork; when he returned to the meeting room, he saw a new iPhone and a new television; the data had already been transferred from his old phone to his new one, so everything was set up.

Zak picked up his phone and opened it, he set up the passcode and face id, then his phone dinged, and he received the picture of the brunette and the full name of the brunette, if your wondering how he got it he has his ways, he's mood immediately shifted from bad to good and cheerful, he admired the face of the cute and adorable beta atleast that's what he thinks the brunettes second gender is, then he realized he doesn't want the small brunette, because he needs him, he needs him really badly.

Then, as he smirked, Zak said in his head, "When I get you Derry, nothing or no one's going to ruin my love for you, not even that stupid bitch of a detective."

Back to Darryl

The three crack heads were eating muffins and popcorn while watching Ocean 8 while Zak was daydreaming about Darryl. They love the movie so much that they regularly rewatch it. After the movie, Darryl fed Rat and filled her water bowl. George and Karl then brought their Laptops while Darryl had his Pc in his office. They played Minecraft on their server and created some new structures. Finally, they decided to play bed wars.

"Oh, I'll use the diamonds to get a heal pool," Darryl said. "Heal pools are useless, we're literally doing the rush strategy," George screamed at Darryl. "No, heal pools are amazing and very useful," Darryl replied.

George simply rolled his eyes and said, "yes, it's useful if we're doing defense but we're doing offense".

"ugh fine, I'll just buy us sharpness," Darryl replied while groaning.

"Good and buy us protection next so we can win this," Karl simply said, "let's gooooo," after a few more minutes they won, they all screamed like crack heads, and continued playing until it was 10pm, they had reached 20 win streaks from only 5 when they started, they all called it a night, Karl and George slept in the guest bed room again.

They simply borrowed some clothes from Darryl, and because they all have slim frames, the clothes fit perfectly on Karl and George. They said goodnight to each other, and Darryl locked his house and went to his room to change into his PJs and sleep, he smiled remembering the amazing day he had with his amazing crazy crack head best friends, and then he fell asleep after a few minutes.


Sorry for the filler chapter again, but the action is nearly there. Hope you leave a vote if the chapter was ok.

Because English is not my first language, please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors. the comments that would correct my errors, as they would undoubtedly help improve my English writing skills

And, as always, eat, sleep, and drink plenty of water because you deserve it.

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