(Chapter 30)

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Tysm for 12,056 reads 😳 and 543votes
Ahhhh ty that's mind blowing ahhhhh
Also ahhhhh top 2 #skephalo

(Anyways enjoy the chapter 🙂, don't forget to vote)
Darryl hung his head down as he sobbed, he just witnessed his bestfriend getting killed in the most inhumane and horrifying way, his heart then started beating rapidly as anger over took him, he looked at the man who's smirking then screamed,"YOU MONSTER!!,WHO EVEN ARE YOU?!", Darryl screamed in raged, the man just chuckled as he walked his way to Darryl,"well your getting sold anyways so might as well,so I'm Pu", BANG BANG BANG,the man was cut off by gun shots he grinned as he creased Darryl's face,"perfect timing", he chuckled as he went out the room, Darryl squirmed and tugged on his restraints," LET ME GOOOO!!," Darryl screamed

Back to Skeppy

Skeppy and his crew had finally arrived, Skeppy was currently looking at the balcony on the seventh floor, he was clutching his pistol tightly as his index finger twitches, as it was ready to pull the trigger and shot someone," SHOW YOUR FREAKING SELF BITCH!!!", Skeppy screamed he was beet red from the anger running through his viens, then chuckling and loud shoe cluckings was heard as a man came out the balcony who's wearing a purple suit with blond hair and brown eyes , Skeppy gasped

"Purpled", Skeppy said in a shocked tone, Purled then clapped his hands and said,"Ding ding ding, well done Skeppy ," Purpled then began to fake cheer while chuckling as he went back inside, Skeppy clenched his teeth as his eyes twitches in anger as he pressed his earpiece then said,"George open the building's main entrance", George obliged then said,"mk, and there", then the thick metal door slid open,

Skeppy smirked then said," I'll get Darryl and all of you kill as much as you desire", Clay and Nick smirked as they both yelled in unison," ENTER NOW!!", then all of Skeppy's crew ran inside, Gun shot's was then heard here and there replacing the eerie quietness of thee facility, even though Skeppy and his crew were out numbered they still managed to kill a lot more, whilst still not having any deaths, Skeppy picked the most skilled upon his employees so it was expected,

Skeppy grinned hearing the blood curdling screams, from the enmie's trophs"Skeppy focus" George said snapping Skeppy, ,"Yes yes thanks," Skeppy replied while pressing the earpiece, George then told Zak where to go if he needs to take a left or a right,Zak then aimed his gun ready to shot, Zak made sure to keep his eyes peeled for any possible danger,"ok make a left and you'll find the elevator, but there are currently three armed personnels inside", Zak made a left and walked towards the elevator that has an arrow above saying it's going down,"NO NO no, that's too risky Zak", Zak just chuckled then made a "tsk" sound,

The elevator dinged and the door slide open, Zak didn't gave them the time to react as he immediately shoot the three inside the elevator,"see jus-", Zak didn't finished as George retorted", show off", with an eye roll, Zak chuckled as he entered the elevator,"What floor was it again ?", Zak asked George took a second to respond then said,"seventh floor", Zak kicked the dead bodies to the side so his feet can move a little bit freely, the elevator's carpet was now blood red from the spewing blood,

After a few moments later the elevator dinged and the door slid open, George looked at the camera's then gave a confused response,"that's odd why is the floor cleared, like no guards nor the boss",

",Well that just makes saving my Strawberry even easier", Zak replied as he went out the elevator,George had a bad feeling about this but didn't argued, he trusts Zak's intelligence
,"Ok so just make go straight a head", George said as Zak followed what George had instructed, Zak was also a bit confused why there wasn't a guard in sight but thought that maybe that Purpled's trophs are running out , after a few more minutes of following George's instructions on where to go, Zak arrived to a door where sobbings could be heard, then George said," Darryl is behind that door,"

After hearing that Zak bolted and sprinted to the door, he barged in he almost broking the door, he was now inside and saw thee brunette in a X formation in a torture x, Zak's eyes began to water as he now saw Darryl
,"Derry?", Zak said holding his tears of joy, Darryl looked up and his emerald eyes sparkled and a smile then creeped on his face, Zak ran towards Darryl then hugged him,"Geppy, I miss you so much",

Darryl said crying, Zak pulled away and wiped Darryl's tears,"I'm so glad your safe, di..did Purpled hurt you?", Zak said worried and looked at Darryl who just smiled then replied,"No but he was gonna sell me", Darryl then saw Zak's eyes gets filled with rage and and anger, and Zak's eyes started twitching Darryl said,"Calm down Blueberry, your now here right?, So that means it's not gonna happen", Darryl said in a pleading way, Zak sighed Darryl always calms him down, Zak smiled then pressed his earpiece,"George do you have control over that restraints?", George didn't respond for a moment then said", yep, make sure to catch him in three two one release", Darryl then fell but Zak catched him, they then hugged and enjoyed each others scent and presence,

George cleared his throat,"that can wait ya know, also Tachno's team is literally 20 minutes away so hurry up", George said as he still had access to the Detective agency's server, Zak picked Darryl up bridal style and sprinted out the room,Zak ran through the hallway they were approaching a balcony where Purpled showed himself earlier, And Zak wondered where was Purpled, he thought he already had escaped

but then BANG a gun shot was heard and Zak felt a sharp pain from his back and then BANG BANG two more gun shots one from Purpled and one from an unknown person, then Darryl blacked out as well as Zak

Let's go To Darryl

After a few minutes later,Darryl woke up he was at Zak's limb arms, he looked at Zak who's face was now pale and blood pooling all over them, it was mostly Zak's , Darryl widens his eyes and immediately checked Zak's pulse on thee ravenette's wrist but felt nothing, his heart dropped, is his Geppy now dead?

Darryl wail in despair then hugged and buried his face in Zak's limb cold corpse, he was drenched in Zak's blood but he didn't care he just wanted to be with his Zak, no he needed to be his Zak, his eyes were puffy and red and his cheeks was burning red from the hot salty tears streaming down his face,

he then looked up to his right then back to Zak's lifeless body, he smiled sadly at Zak's corpse, then looked back to his right and stood up, he then walked towards where he was looking, which was the balcony, he then said in his thoughts while tearing up " I'm sorry Geppy I know you would rather want me to be happy and free in your after life " he thought while climbing the balcony's  railings then sat on it, he was facing the building while his back was facing thee outdoors, he was still holding for balance to not yet fall,

he smiled sadly then said in a crack and broken voice,"but I just ca...can't" his voice croaked,he closed his eyes as tears started dripping down his cheeks, he was now ready to let go, then he sighed out of sadness and let go

he leaned forward and fell, he opened his eyes and everything became slow motion he said while falling" I'll see you in my next life my Blueberry" he smiled with watery red puffy eyes and everything went black from there

Word count..1339

(Last chapter is now posted Chap 31)

(Anyways 🙂,I'm numb so tee he, I hope you liked the chapter if you did don't forget to vote)

English isn't my first language so expect Grammatical errors and Spelling mistakes,and I would deeply appreciate
the comments that would correct my mistakes, because it would surely help improve my English writing skills 😊

And as always eat, sleep and drink water caz you deserve it☺️

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