(Chapter 27)

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(Don't forget to vote for which next book you'd want to win, I'll be counting the votes later at night,if you haven't yet voted it's the page before this, both books already has it's discription ☺️)

(Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter if you did don't forget to vote)
It was now 7:21am and Darryl was playing with Zak's hair, he was the first one to woke up but he couldn't really get out, since Zak's grip on Darryl was pretty firm Darryl didn't mind it though, he was enjoying the body heat and Zak's scent, plus Zak's hair was really fluffy and soft it was the perfect thing to past the time with, after a few more minutes of Darryl playing with Zak's hair, Zak opened his eyes and looked at Darryl, Darryl noticed it and looked at Zak as well

Zak then said,"morning Strawberry", in a deep morning voice, Darryl thought it was really hot he blushed a bit then replied," Morning to you too Blueberry", then Darryl leaned in to Zak's lips for a kiss, they kissed then pulled away,"Breakfast Derry?", Zak asked Darryl who just nodded, Zak then got off the bed and Darryl made grabby hands, Zak just rolled his eyes at his boyfriend who is just too cute for his own good, Zak then picked Darryl up then got out the room and was going to the kitchen

On thier way there Darryl asked a question,"Geppy can I have heat suppressants?"Darryl asked in quiet voice it was almost mumbled, but Zak heard it and he was fine with it, he wants Darryl to be ready when they mate, he wants Darryl to not regret it, Darryl tensed up a bit because Zak didn't really answered he thought he got mad or something, Darryl then said,"It's fa..fine if you don't want me to", Darryl said in a scared sad tone, Zak widens his eyes he knew by the tone of thee brunette, he was scared he immediately replied," No no, it's ok my Strawberry I want you to be ready, for you to really take the time to think about it so I understand", Zak said in a soft comforting tone

Darryl smiled and snuggled closer to Zak they were almost to the dining room, Darryl then replied," thank you Geppy", Zak just smiled and sighed in content as he was ok with thier relationship right now, he doesn't want to pressure nor force thee brunette so his just gotta wait,

They now arrived at the dining room and the maids already set out the food on the table, Zak set Darryl on a seat and sat next to the brunette, they began eating they had dumb conversations which they both laugh about, after a few more moments Darryl inhaled and exhaled, he had a question that he thinks would get rejected by Zak but after building the confidence he was now ready,"Zak can I...I never mind", but Darryl chickenend at the last second ,Zak was now interested on what Darryl was about to say he replied"What is it Derry?,come on just tell me I would understand" Zak said while having an understanding look on his face,

Darryl sighed then continued his sentence,"ca... Can I g...go out of the ma... mansion?"Darryl said in a shaky worried voice, Zak smiled he actually had been thinking about it since he now trusting Darryl so why not then Zak said,"ok Strawberry you can go out, and later you can go to the mall, but you need to have some guards the other mafias already know I have you so it's just for safety", after hearing that Darryl shot up and looked beside him where Zak was, and kissed Zak on the cheek

Zak then said," are you really that excited on going out?", Zak said while chuckling, Darryl smiled brightly and said," of course Geppy I haven't got out the house in like forever now", Zak then remembered that he actually had Darryl indoors for almost or even for a month now, and that's why Darryl was so pale,
Darryl then saw that Zak has a sorry face and has regret plastered all over it,"awe don't be sorry Geppy I love you even if you did that to me" Darryl said then kissed Zak's lips

They were now done eating breakfast so, Zak picked Darryl up and they went to the living room to cuddle for a bit, Zak wants to spend some time with the brunette before his doing some work, and Darryl was loving Zak's precences,

They were currently watching Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, and thier were both laughing, Darryl was currently sitting on Zak's lap facing the TV and resting his head on Zak's chest, while Zak has his arms are warped around Darryl's waist, while they were watching Zak remembered to give something to Darryl, Zak said," hey Derry I just need to grab something if that's ok?" Darryl just nodded and Zak set Darryl on the couch and grabbed the thing his giving Darryl

Darryl didn't really know what Zak was giving him so he was pretty curious after a few more minutes Zak came back with two boxes one midium and a small one, Zak gave it to Darryl and smiled," here you go Derry", Darryl already has an idea base on the look of the boxes

Darryl then said "thank you Geppy", then started opening the medium box, it was a new iPhone Darryl smiled then said,"finally now I can watch YouTube, and call you when your not home", then Darryl opened the small one and it was airpods, Zak then said," no problem well I could had given you ,your old phone but Clay destroyed it so yeah sorry", Darryl then replied," it's ok Blueberry", Darryl then set up his new phone downloading things like, Instagram, Twitter, telegram, Wattpad and the whole shebang

The phone already had Zak,Clay,and Nick's number on it just incase of emergency, Darryl and Zak then took a selfie together and set it as the home screen wallpaper, after that they continued on watching the movie,

Time skip to 3pm

Zak already left to do some work, Zak already told two employees to look after thee brunette, and follow the brunette's, orders because Darryl was going to the mall, while the two guards are already ready, Darryl was still getting ready he was pretty excited to out the mansion,

After a few more moments Darryl came out of the room, and was greeted with two male beta greeting him with a warm smile, and Darryl also noticed they were holding hands, which made Darryl smirk at them, they quickly stopped holding hands when they noticed what Darryl was smirking at, Darryl just chuckled and said,"It's ok it's pretty cute anyways, go on I wouldn't mind,"

Both beta's smiled and said", thank you and come on let's go Darryl and the name is, Antfrost Ant for short and this lovely person right here is Velvet", Velvet blushed a bit then said," hi Darryl, I gotta say you and Skeppy are the perfect couple, "

Darryl blushed then replied," thank you"
Velvet smiled then said", come on let's now go to the mall, and here's Skeppy's credit card it has no spending limits", Velvet then handed Darryl a metal card with an American express logo on it, Darryl knew that's the credit card of wealthy people

After that they went outside the mansion, and Darryl enjoyed the fresh and not the air-conditioning air that he always breathes in the house, they then got in a black rolls-royce both of the beta's sat in front, with Ant starting the car because his the one driving and Darryl sat at the back, Velvet then played
Future nostalgia by Dua Lipa, they both danced to the beat and sang it and Ant then started driving

They played a few more songs From Dua Lipa like Levitating,Blow your mind,Don't start now and New rules, It was the clean versions of course, it was a thirty minutes drive to the mall, because they were on the country side of the city

Word count...1334

(Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chap if you did don't forget to vote☺️)

English isn't my first language so expect Grammatical errors and Spelling mistakes,and I would deeply appreciate
the comments that would correct my mistakes, because it would surely help improve my English writing skills 😊

And as always eat, sleep and drink water caz you deserve it☺️

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