Chapter 5

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Wednesday, 12:24 p.m.

Darryl was working on his presentation for tomorrow on his investigation for the upcoming auction when Techno walked in and took a seat, saying, "ohh hey Darryl so uhmm tomorrows the deadline of your assignment have you gathered any info yet?" Darryl simply nodded and replied, "uh yes boss I had, also my theory was correct that the event would be an underground event, I'll just show you my presentation tomorrow."

"Ohh wonderful, you are without a doubt the best detective we have, ok bye for now, see you tomorrow at the meeting room," Techno said as he smiled and walked away.

Darryl just finished his presentation for tomorrow, he was ten times more determined to succeed in this assignment, well yes, he did succeed in all of his assignments, but this one is special he needed to save those poor omegas who got captured, and would be sold to disgusting rich alphas and betas who would only treat them like an object, he was in rage just thinking on what would happen if those poor omegas got sold, but a smile soon crept on his face because he knew the auction would be sabotaged with his assistance, and his current assignment would be a success.

Let's go to Skeppy

Zak said, "Nice idea Clay on putting the security cameras on the underground facility on another server," as Zak, Nick, and Clay were in a meeting. "Well of course now if the authorities would ever hack the casino's server, they couldn't see the location of the facility and its cameras, as they are probably too stupid to even realize that the casino has an underground facility, plus I coded the server and made it really hard to hack, it would take years for a really skilled hacker to break into it," Nick remarked, "heck yeah, this is going to be a successful auction."

Flashback Tuesday at 1 in the morning.

Let's go to Darryl

"Whoever coded this server is a total doofus," George said, to which Darryl raised an eyebrow and asked, "How come?"

"For starters, the password was only eight digits long and very predictable, and second, when I went to access the security cameras, it had a link up top saying press this to access the second server," he paused for a moment before continuing, "and third, the second servers password was literally only dream sapnap skeppy all in number form, and the server literally showed the blue print of the entire map of the casino and the underground facility."

Darryl was holding his laughter, while George was laughing and clutching his stomach.

Thursday, 8 a.m., time change

"Ok Darryl, take it away," Techno said in the meeting room, and people in the room began taking notes with their Ipads and apple pencils. Darryl then took a deep breath and said, "Ok so the location of the event would be in the casino owned by the Diamond Mafia, and my theory was proven when George hacked the two servers of the casino," he took a breath and continued, "And I also told George to make an easy access entrance to the two servers, and I'll just airdrop the blueprints of the casino and the underground facility," he took a breath and continued.

"And when I conducted my investigation, I also discovered that the three mafia bosses will not be attending this auction," he exhaled, "and in total, the omegas who were kidnapped were 1 male and 70 females."

Darryl's presentation went on for another hour, which I won't explain because I'm lazy. After Darryl's presentation, everyone was amazed, as always, at how perfect and flawless Darryl's work is, and they congratulated Darryl for a job well done.

Time Skip to lunch.

Darryl, George, and Karl went to Panda Express for lunch, ordered their food, and sat down. While they waited for their food, Darryl began a conversation, "Uhm so George, I told Techno how much help you gave me, on my assignment I exaggerated a bit *giggled* you know here and there and he told me your getting a raise," Darryl said with an energtic and giddy tone.

George's eyes widened and he teased, "what oh my gosh that's amazing I didn't know you liked lieng Derry." Darryl simply replied, "It wasn't a lie you know just a little exaggeration.wink wink".

"it's the same thing dumbass," Karl replied before chuckling.

Darryl merely retorted, "Oh well, we can't change the pass can we, and also language you muffin head," and George said, "Darryl, thank you, thank you so much."

"No problem muffin," Darryl retorted.

" Oh, I remembered Karl, I told Techno how good you were when we did the surveillance on the casino. Don't worry, he was actually quite impressed and said his promoting you as a detective like what you always wanted." Darryl added to the conversation.

"Oh my goodness I can't breathe you muffin head," Darryl responds to Karl sobbed as he tightly hugged him.

"Ohh sorry sorry I'm just really happy thank you Darryl," to which Karl said.

Their food arrived, and they ate while having a few conversations here and there. After eating, they still had 37 minutes before lunch breaks were over, so they went to the arcade, then played the games that gave the most tickets, and after 20 minutes they had a lot of tickets. Before leaving the arcade, Darryl got a muffin plushie with his tickets, while George got some white goggles (aka the clout goggles), and Karl just got some candy bars.

While the three were having fun, Zak decided to be a creep and stalk Darryl's Instagram (Darryl is undercover and hasn't posted anything related to his job). He searched Darryl's Instagram and saw Darryl's pictures, he kept zooming into Darryl's face, and a post cought his eyes it was a picture of the brunette shirtless, his eyes widens and thought "damn he looks so good his body is literally really feminine".

"I'm going to find wherever the fuck you live and get you my Derry," he thought as he looked at the picture.


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Because English is not my first language, please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors. The comments that would correct my errors, as they would undoubtedly help improve my English writing skills

And, as always, eat, sleep, and drink plenty of water because you deserve it.

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